My thoughts on the happenings of each ordinary day.... always trying to find what there is to be grateful for, acknowledging what I am blessed by, and journaling what I want to remember, because as you age those thoughts are sometimes fleeting!
What an absolutly perfect day. Fat quarters were buy three get one free at the quilt store today. You have to really love the feel of 100% cotton to get a high from handling fabric. It is right up there with the highs you get from laying on the beach or floating in the lake. Naturally I found a wonderful assortment of colors that will work perfectly for the new grandbaby one of my best friends is expecting in December.
Next it was off to Central Market. I do not make this trip often but what a joy it was to wonder the aisles of fresh produce, spices and cheese. There were enough things to sample that there was no need to stop for lunch afterwards which had been part of my original plan. The big reward of the day was the great freezer bag that was FREE!!!! Can you believe it? Yes, it was free. I thought I won the lottery.
After the excitement of all of this, it was off to the movie with Sara. I am not a big movie fan at all but with dad and Drew in California I figured we would do something out of the ordinary. We saw "The Proposal" and I laughed so hard that at one point I spit my chocolate covered raisins all over. Ryan Reynolds is really easy on the eyes and even if the movie has been awful it was a treat to look at him for two hours.
Now we are going to dine on frozen pizza and fresh fruit from Central Market. What a perfect day!!!