The presents are all opened. The
trashman has taken all of the remnants of paper and bows.

The gingerbread men are going back into tissue paper for another year.

Plastic tubs are being filled with all of the treasures that will make me happy when I once again unpack them next Christmas...but this year is over. Not just Christmas but the year 2010 is quickly coming to a close. As I am sorting through Christmas treasure, I am also reflecting on the past year. Soon it will be time to look forward but for today I am thinking back on January through December of 2010.
*Instead of a trip to New York, my travels took me to Tampa to visit the
fam.Oh how I looked forward to those visits.
Grandbaby and wonderful walks...it was perfect.
*Sharing time with special friends at the lake. We were fortunate enough to spend several great weekends at
Richland Chambers with old friends, laughing and visiting and enjoying each other...wonderful memories!
*I cannot leave off our Annual Lake Bash, two weddings, holidays and visits with the
Shubzda clan. I love Jimmy's family who have surely become mine too. Our time together is always fun and we are blessed to all be so close.
*Though I live for football season, I cannot say that this year has had any real highlights. I am just packing those memories away and hoping for more excitement in 2011.
*Yea to the Texas Rangers...
ALC Champions! That surely was a highlight!
*A commitment to Compassion International. This has brought me such a sense of peace, knowing that our sponsor child
Leshan has thrived because of our involvement. The letters are priceless and knowing that he has been given some direction because of this organization is high on my list of things I treasure.
*Semi-retirement...it is the perfect blend of still having a connection and having personal time. It will be very hard for me to totally walk away from my job. What I receive from my commitment those kids is not even describable. They are a treasure.
*Cannot leave off my iPhone and
Facebook. Keeps me connected to old
friends and family. Love reading about what is happening in their lives. Do not post much but I am an avid reader!!!!
*Watching Drew get settled in his house and with his job. He is independent and successful and who could ask for more.
*Having Tim's fourteen years of Navy commitment come to an end. It is over and he and Mandy and Brooklyn are home. I am not sure the reality of that has set in yet. He is a civilian and a Texas resident and I thank God for their safe arrival and am proud of the service he gave to our country.
*And finally...forty years with the same man! My students think that is an amazing accomplishment and I agree. Guess we will aim for 50!
Looking back it has been a good year. As in any year there have been some bumps in the road. We have carefully navigated those and come out stronger for them. Coming up...looking forward to 2011!!!