Sunday, January 31, 2010
In 3 1/2 Months Time.....
I have been sitting here thinking of all of the things that occur in three and a half months time. I go from the end of one school year to the beginning of another....well into the beginning of another because summer vacations are no longer three months long. Seasons change..winter, spring, summer, fall. You complete a trimester of pregnancy. If you are me you can put on and take off ten pounds over and over again!
But nothing is any bigger miracle than the changes in a newborn in three and a half months. I have forgotten, or else when it is your own child you see the changes occur gradually and maybe you are not as amazed by it all. I have been lucky enough to see Brooklynn about once a month since she was born. I have a son and daughter in law that provide multiple updates every week. But to go back and see where she has come in this short amount of time is nothing short of miraculous. From a tiny newborn to a baby who has just made incredible strides and and is progressing so much every single day.
They will be home this week. I cannot wait to see them....all of them. They will be visiting their house at the lake. It is their first house and it will be the first time they will spend the night there together as a family. By next summer Brooklynn will be running across the yard and mom and dad will be running behind to make sure she doesn't get too near the water or put some foreign object in her mouth. Those are big changes yet to come but I am not sure they will compare to the progress made in the first 3 1/2 months.

Friday, January 29, 2010
Just Call Me June Cleaver....
This all came to light last weekend when we had some dinner guests, young dinner guests. Son #3 was thinking that sitting at the table was really not necessary. Oh, but it was. And then we had to decide who sat where because we don't know anymore. We had assigned seats in our old house. Everyone knew where they belonged. We moved here after the kids had left home and we just have not decided where we go now. So, Chad (one of our guests) choose a chair and declared it his seat. Tim move over, you have been replaced! And we ate together and remained at the table for about 30 minutes afterward just talking. It was great. It was as it should be. Restaurants are nice but the quiet of the kitchen table beats everything. Family time!
I am teaching etiquette and we are going to watch an episode of "Leave it to Beaver"..in black and white. They are going to see June dressed in pearls and heels serving dinner to her family at the dining room table with a table cloth, and all of the finery needed to eat a proper meal. It is not odd to me. I was raised that way. No, my mom did not wear pumps and pearls but she did insist on dining together and we did ask to be excused when we were finished eating.
And when my students finish watching life in the 50's and listening to this dinosaur talk about life back then, they are going to learn what side of the plate the knife and fork and napkin go on and someday they will realize that a little manners never hurt anyone.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Travelin' Man (Woman)......
Now I have to make up for lost time and do all the chores at home that were left undone while I was gone. Great to be back!!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
City By The Bay....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Precious Brooklynn....
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wonderful Trip, Wonderful Life Lesson....

I got on the plane and sat down next to a very elderly woman...to learn later she was 86. I avoided conversation because I wanted to finish reading "The Energy Bus"...a book on getting rid of negative and putting positive in your life. We all need motivation, right? So for an hour and a half I read and avoided eye contact. Until, the elderly woman asked me nicely if I would reset her watch to Colorado time for her. Well of course..I can do that. That is it, we are now talking. This nice woman had flown from Colorado to Tampa for a Jazz Festival. It was her passion. Further conversation revealed she had run the gift shop at the Air Force Academy for 30 years...we have something in common. I told her about my boys and the Naval Academy. Her favorite place to go was to San Diego..we have something else in common...that is my favorite place. She talked for 45 minutes about all the things she loved with tears running down her eyes. "Oh honey, I am not crying, I can feel the sun coming through the windows on my face and it feels so good that it brings tears to my eyes." This lady was blind. I did not know it. She had macular degeneration and lost most of her sight in 2003. Her cane was a cane so she could feel her way around. She was incredible. She traveled alone. "Oh honey, someone is always there to help me. I have learned how to live with very limited sight. I will live with very limited sight until I die with very limited sight, but I WILL live." She is a lesson much better than any book I could have been reading. That was a lesson in positive that no literature could teach. What an incredible lady and I do believe that I was in that seat for a reason today.
I got off the plane with tears running down my face. Yes, I miss my family but I got to go see my family. The time I spent with them is a gift. They will be back home and we will have plenty of time to visit. Until then we will SKYPE, and call, and make trips back and forth and I am blessed. And I realize that even more today after sharing 45 minutes with a really inspiring lady.
Coming soon...posts about my beautiful grandchild!!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010

I am quickly tidying up before packing and flying to Tampa in the morning to see my precious grandchild!! I was standing with remote in hand looking for some entertainment while I am doing last minute chores, and wishing it was Monday night so I could catch the next thrilling episode of Jake and the women. Sick, you say???? No, just the eternal optimist who is always looking for happy endings. I want to believe in love at first sight. I want to think that the bachelor is really looking for the love of his life. I want to believe she is one of those 25 women and it will result in happily ever after. I am sure it can happen...I mean Trista and Ryan are happy, right??
So, while Jimmy is mourning that there is no longer Monday Night Football, I am celebrating that I can spend two hours analyzing women and making my choice for the perfect wife for Jake. And when it is over...I am hoping that the new season of Dancing With The Stars is not far behind.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Gramma's Coming......

I am so excited. I am off to see my grandbaby on Friday! It seems like it has been forever. The last time I saw her was December 10th...over a month ago. I know it could be worse but this is such an important time in a babies life...so many changes so quickly. I hear she talks up a storm, laughs, and even rolls herself over. Mandy and Tim are so great to send mini movies and texts but I just need the real thing!!
We've missed her, and her mom and dad. Christmas was just kind of empty this year without them. So, I am anxiously waiting, trying to get through this week at school so I can go get a baby fix....and then I will be set for another month or two!
We've missed her, and her mom and dad. Christmas was just kind of empty this year without them. So, I am anxiously waiting, trying to get through this week at school so I can go get a baby fix....and then I will be set for another month or two!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Global Warming......

We've had our own set of problems at work this week. Seems the pipes in the building are so old that they feared freezing so they closed down all of the water fountains and turned off the water in the teacher bathrooms...have you ever shared bathroom space with 30 teenage girls in the 7 minutes you have between classes.....just does not work! So we all took roll and ran quickly to a semi empty restroom before starting the days lesson.
Then there issues with just staying warm even at home....it is not fun to jump out of that very warm bed at 5 am and go into that very cold bathroom to get dressed and then jump into a very cold car to drive to work. I know I will be wishing for cool when it is 110 degrees this summer but for now...oh to be warm!!
So, global warming. Tell all of us in the south that are either covered in snow or looking at temperatures of 14 degrees with a wind chill of 2 degrees that the ozone layer is wearing away and the earth is too warm....I don't believe it!!!
So, global warming. Tell all of us in the south that are either covered in snow or looking at temperatures of 14 degrees with a wind chill of 2 degrees that the ozone layer is wearing away and the earth is too warm....I don't believe it!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy Birthday Matthew Phillip....

We were blessed to be a part of those that remembered you in this special way today. We added our own balloon to the ones from your mom and dad along with our own message on the card. It is my hope that whomever finds this will also remember you with a prayer. You are very much loved and have touched so many people as have your parents with their incredible strength.
God bless you and your parents today. As they celebrate this special day just know that many of us are remembering with them. You are a gift if only for a brief time on this earth.
I am posting a quote that I read on your mom's page today because I thought it was so appropriate. It is from Steel Magnolias. "I would rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special." You were indeed wonderful.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Great Time To Be A Fan....

Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's Over :( .......
Tomorrow is meetings and seeing my co-workers after a two week break. "How was your Christmas, did you watch the bowl games, what do you think about Mike Leach, guess who I saw over the holidays?" and so on. And then things will seem normal again. Tuesday brings 150 new faces in my classroom and new challenges and new personalities. Wonder if my kids will be as good as last semester? Gosh, I will miss Grace and Tony during A1. Wonder how I can make recipe reading more interesting? Okay, now I am back on a roll. I think I am ready.
I wonder how I would feel if I retired and I knew I was not going back. If I knew that no alarms was permanent, if I let someone else teach all of those kids, how would I feel? So many questions to ask yourself when the reality of not being there is so close.
Tonight I have to set my alarm, it is over, but I think that it is okay.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Year's Wish....
As we begin this new year I have posted my thoughts on 2009 and my goals for 2010. Now it is time to write down wishes to everyone for this coming year. It is a verse I read years ago that I have over my computer and it always catches my attention at the beginning of a new year. It is a humbling thought as we continue to become a society that always wishes for more...
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough"Hello's" to get you through the "Goodbye's"
May all of you have a blessed 2010.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough"Hello's" to get you through the "Goodbye's"
May all of you have a blessed 2010.
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