I really could not decide on a title for this post because the subject matter covers several areas.....
a) what teachers do in the summer
b) vocabulary words
And yes, believe it or not the two are really related!
So, in keeping up with my teacher friends this summer the first question everyone always asks is...."what have you been doing with your time?" Without fail the answer is, "cleaning...my house, the closets, oh my, the garage, the pantry, the attic, the kids rooms...just cleaning!"
And that makes me wonder...are we the dirtiest bunch of humans or the cleanest??? Do we let things go all year long because we know we can catch up in the summer? How do people that work all year long manage? It is a subject to ponder...when I am not cleaning!

In keeping with expectations, I too dug into my closet. It is not that bad but I have accumulated stuff that has seen better days, so with garbage bags in hand (for a trip to Good Will) I headed into the great abyss. What I found were probably no less that 50 pairs of the above(pictured is only a small sampling)....so, are they flip flops or thongs? They were thongs when I was growing up. It did not make people back up and stare if you called them that...it is what they were. Now they have a whole different meaning. I looked up the word in the dictionary...it is "
a thin strip of leather for binding". That really sounds like something that should go on your foot. And so, we can ponder where the vocabulary word changed on this footwear. It does not really matter unless you go into Macy's looking for thongs!
In case you are wondering....I am not sure why I have so much footwear of this nature. My feet are a bit
claustrophobic so this is the logical thing to wear but I do not know why I have
acquired so many...I am keeping them all.!!!!