Sunday, October 31, 2010
Here Comes Another Bride.......
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Because It Was Time.....
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What A Season!.......
I am a football lover but this season has not pulled me in. The Cowboys stink and both the Texas Tech and North Garland Raiders are struggling just to finish a game. Just lost my enthusiasm. It is sad but watching unmotivated athletes like the Cowboys who are paid HUGE salaries sit on the bench with their heads hung in embarrassment just makes me really angry. Where is the determination and drive? Where is the want to? Where is the leadership?
It the Ballpark in Arlington!!! It is alive and well and being demonstrated by the ALC Champion and World Series bound TEXAS RANGERS!
"Wow" is about all I can say. Facebook was abuzz with excitement during game six...Ranger fans were experiencing an ultimate sports high. I did not miss a play. I am not a sitter but I did not move for three plus hours. We beat the Yankees..a decided victory by a team with a heart that knew they could do it and credited each other and God for their success. It was not a steroid driven group. It was not the highest paid was the Rangers. The celebration at the end was with bottles of ginger ale..not champagne, in honor of Josh Hamilton, who has fought alcohol addiction to be where he is today. His teammates supported that..with ginger ale! They are a TEAM and not a bunch of egotistical, self-indulgent athletes.
Friday, October 22, 2010
My Other Kids.....
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thanks.... my family for hanging in there. I have been the one that has been the most verbal about my thoughts and feelings and you have listened. I have had days that I was not very nice because of the grief that was in my heart and you for the most part over looked it. I love you all. You are what I live for. Thank you for hanging in there with me while I processed it all. my friends for remembering to remember. Sadness is not something you want to share. After a while it becomes my pain and a melancholy person is not any fun. But, you all do remember when it matters and your love and concern has lifted me over my rough spots, like today. Though I do not always respond, I do know that you are there. I love you all very much and a life without close friends would be a very empty place. God. Where do you go when you do not believe? In eight years I have been through mad, sad, feelings of despair, and even hate. I have questioned and yelled at God for putting this in my life. When all was so beautiful and I was in such a good place, He threw this at me. But, God has hung in there with me and given me time to find understanding. I believe I have healed. That does not mean I have forgotten or ever will, but I accept. That is a good place to be. I am at peace finally and see that where there is faith, there is hope.
So with a heart full of thanks I close this and know this is how it is supposed to be.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
After a 10 mile drive down the road he was released into the wilderness, hopefully to find a new home to invade. Next time friendly critter, please call for reservations.
Friday, October 15, 2010
My Favorite Season....
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Happy Birthday to "B".....
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere......
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Many Faces of Mealtime.....
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Happy Fall Ya'll....
But...I think we have turned the corner. Fall is definitely here. It is October 1 and in the 70's. It feels like fall and is starting to look that way too. Leaves are changing and the grass does not need mowing every five days anymore. Jimmy is a big fan of that since he is tending to multiple yards this year!
Yes, it is October, which also means the State Fair is in full swing. In case you are wondering, the new Fair fare is ......fried beer. It is joined by the fried margarita (one please), fried lemonade, and fried Texas Caviar (that is black eyed peas for all you northerners..not fish eggs). Makes me wonder if these people lay awake at night for months trying to develop these culinary masterpieces. I also wonder if they taste test it all and what their arteries are saying...."please STOP!" I still opt for a good old funnel cake with plenty of powdered sugar. True bliss!
So..October is upon us, can Thanksgiving and Christmas be far behind? The stores don't think so. When back to school moves out Santa moves in. I prefer to take the seasons one at a time, and right now I am just glad to be thinking fall.