Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mondays We Do Fun!....

I feel like I have been running on a treadmill that won't stop lately!  No time to clean, no time for shopping, no time for phone calls with friends, no time to blog...but Monday we just took the day and made time for FUN!
 It was hang out with Gramma and Gramps day and we did just that...hung out.
We hung out in bed in the morning with Care Bears on the Kindle.

 We filled the sink with suds in the bathroom and just made a mess. 
 We laid on the floor with Gramps until it was warm enough to go outside and help him move the playhouse.
We supervised...
 We picnicked....
We enjoyed the sunshine.
 We rode on the vacuum...necessary because Gramps forgot to take off his muddy shoes when he came in the house.
And we made a tent under the table when Aunt Sara came home from work. 
We played... and even when you get old some days that is just what you have to do!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What's Going On?.....

Oh has been a very busy week or maybe more!
I have been going like I was young again and I assure you my body knows I am not.
So a quick recap of the last 7 or 8 days in an even quicker post!

B I N G O!!!
Sadly not!
Three $700 pots and we did not win one of them...not even the $200 ones and I would have been thrilled with that!
And to my surprise, no more dobbing on sheets of BINGO the rest of the world even BINGO has gone high tech.  No brain required, just a finger than can continually press "enter".

A L A R M S!!!!
Way too many!
Why on earth did I think it was a good idea to accept so many sub jobs this month?
Up at 5:15 am on way too many cold mornings....crawling out of my very warm bed and dragging myself to work when I would much rather be watching "Live With Kelly and Michael" and drinking a cup of coffee.

C P R?
Yes, an interactive lesson and I got paid to watch this session for teen parents on how to revive a baby.
I will take that!  I have never had formal training on this and with two grandbabies it is a day that was well spent. 
So, no complaining here about taking this assignment.
L A U N D R Y!!!!
Way too much!  I am so behind.  When you take a two hour nap when you get home from work everyday you tend to get behind on the essentials.  Yuck!
W E D D I N G!!!
Sadly while most of the legwork was being done last week, I was covering a classroom.
So much to do, so little time!!! much excitement over what lies ahead!
D O W N T O N  A B B E Y!!!!
Oh I am so sucked into the British soap opera.
So, while I am watching Season 3, I am also catching up on Seasons 1 and 2.
There is nothing like knowing the end before you know the beginning!
I am, however, among the 1000's of fans who are hoping that they come up with a way to revive the seemingly deceased Matthew before the start of Season 4.  You simply cannot get rid of the character that is the strongest draw to the show.  That is not how we do things in America.
B A B I E S!
Oh how I miss them!
It is time to redo the schedule and fit in a lot more time for hugs. 
This crazy schedule is just not how I envisioned retirement!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Would You????.....

Go stand in line with over 600 swooning teen age girls just to get up close and personal with the HUNK who asks women every week 
Well, as a matter of fact....yes, I would!  And ...yes I did!  I am not embarrassed, or ashamed, or humiliated.  I am living life differently lately.  My new motto:
Throw caution to the wind because you only live once.
Be a little spontaneous!
I am deciding to do what I want and when I can go hug on the man all America is in love with, well, I am going.
I am an incurable optimist.  I believe in Sean.  Just like I believed in Emily, and every other bachelor and bachelorette that preceded them.  I actually think this guy is for real.  I think he is an ordinary guy that really wants a wife and I think this time it will work out....remember I am an optimist! I also know that if he does not find love with one of the 25 women on the show (and please don't let it be Tierra) that there are another 500 plus available females at Freed's that would be happy to line up for a chance with this guy.
It was fun.  I have a picture and a rose.  It was a rainy Saturday and there was nothing else on my agenda that said I could not waste a little time.
Would I do it all over again?
Why, yes I sure would!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Clearly Convinced.....

It has been a long road...a long road through doctors and dentist offices lately and quite frankly, I am getting pretty tired of spending time with anyone associated with the medical profession.  I mean, I have the utmost respect for them I assure you, but given the chance to do something else with my day my alternative choices are endless.
I have been on a hunt of sorts.  They are still trying to decide why eating has been a huge problem for me since I had unplanned surgery.  Through countless tests they have determined that my stomach does not lie where it belongs any longer. Interesting fact?  
Knowing that...the next step was to down a plate full of radioactive eggs (seriously) to determine where the food goes once ingested.  The answer...NOWHERE!  After 4 hours when 90% of it should have left my stomach 73% still remained. I am not sure how I should have felt with all of those nuclear particles traveling around inside of me all day, but I know it was a pretty spectacular sight on camera.
So....what I stomach is in the wrong place full of food.  No wonder I throw up!
And my new is in three pieces.  I cannot eat with it in my mouth.  So to ingest the food that won't digest, I have to take it out.  And while it was sitting on the table the dog got it and chewed it into three pieces.  Very true story.  Back to the dentist.  Two full days without a tooth and another hefty charge to repair it.
So, I am clearly convinced there is really no need for me to eat.  I am not quite ready for a feeding tube but liquid nourishment is sounding better everyday.....

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Move Over Andrew Firestone.....

The Shubzda Family is jumping on the culture train!  Instead of chugging cans of beer wrapped in a coozi, we are sipping fine wine and rating those we deem the best.  We even allowed the Bergeson's to tap into our Sunday afternoon event and introduced a new flavor this week...
You must realize that we don't just let anybody partake in this event.  You have to have your wine tasting license and be proven a connoisseur of great flavors. 
We lined up the bottles, placed them in numbered brown bags and proceeded to taste!
There are rules you know.
*A professionally drawn chart has to be used.
*Wine should be cool, not cold.
*All glasses odor free, no dishwasher residue.
*Fill wine glass 1/4 full.
*Observe visually on a white cloth to note color and clarity (think we missed this step...but they did swirl to look for legs!)
*Sniff and then clear nose for 30 seconds before tasting.
*Sip into mouth and swish around palate...don't swallow, spit it out....AH, NO!!!...not a spitter in the crowd!  You think this family spits out liquor??!!!
And the clear winner was....
Chosen by the professionals.

Like I said....move over Andrew Firestone..our own vineyard is next!