Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daddy's Home!.....

While Tim spent two weeks away practicing the fine art of protecting our country in military reserve style...Brooklynn carefully removed links off a chain...UNTIL FINALLY...
Daddy is Home!!!!!
And his arrival back in town called for a celebration dinner and a swim!!!
Finley was just as excited to see her dad as her sister...until a bowl of guacamole called her name!
There will be plenty of time for hugs. No more long trips for awhile.  It just isn't right when dad's not around.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In Case You Missed It..........

Today was National Hot Dog Day!!!! 
 Since I recognized and reported on National Flip Day, I did not want to leave the ever revered hot dog out.
Sonic, 7-11, and other fast food establishments offered discounted dogs for those desiring to dine on the frank!
 I am NOT a fan of hot dogs.  Do not ever research the ingredient list or you might never put another one of America's favorites in your mouth again.  Everything that cannot be used in any other meat product goes into the hot dog, along with nitrates, preservatives, things that I really would rather not mention and FAT!
Oh yes,,,,,we stopped.  Who can pass on dinner for a $1.00?
Did I eat it...yes.  Why?  I am not at all sure.  It is disgusting meat by products, fake chili and cheese and heart burn on a bun.  Would I repeat the experience?
not until next years National Hot Dog Day.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Justification Please.....

 Please tell me if there is really any reason for this.  This just did not happen today.  Ever since the 5th of July when red, white, and blue decorations were one day past their prime our local hobby store has been stocking their shelves with Christmas.  
This is a level way above irritating to me. I just bought a new bathing suit. I am enjoying our pool and the afternoon sun.  I know that during the years that I was gainfully employed as a teacher I did not even like to see school supplies out the day after the 4th of July.  I still had more than six weeks left of my summer break so everything in its own time PLEASE!  What is the hurry?  The first of August still gives everyone time to load up on sharpies and notebook paper.  Floaties and suntan lotion should fill the aisles not ball point pens and construction paper.
But Christmas ribbon????  Who really is going to miss out on making that wreath they saw on Pinterest if they cannot buy the supplies until October.....after Halloween please.  One season at a time.  
I remember a wise first grade teacher at the elementary school I worked at years ago.  One Tuesday that was especially stressful I stood in the office after a long day of dealing with cranking kids and parents and happened to say that I could not wait until it was Friday.  Bridget walked in about the time I uttered that statement (one we have all made quite regularly) and said "Do you realize that all you are doing is wishing your life away".  Well how do you respond to that???  
One day at a time.  One season at a time.  Why are we in such a hurry?  I am old enough now to know I am pretty happy in the moment.  I have no where I need to be so badly that I need to zoom through the present an on to the future.  
I will continue to enjoy the sunshine and listen to something nostalgic like the Beach Boys and leave Jingle Bells for after Thanksgiving where it belongs.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Just A Bundle Of Love.......

Eighteen months old...a year and a half.  How can this be?  Where did the time go and why won't it just stop for awhile while I enjoy the ever changing personality of this precious little girl.

 Finley and I had some very rare one on one time the other day while Brooklynn spent the day with her other grandmother.  What a treat!

 We played and hugged and did all of the things we don't always have time for....by ourselves that is!

She is just one big bundle of love and to think I was afraid there was not room in my heart to love another little girl the way I love Brooklynn.  I was so wrong!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


This is...very sadly....another one of my collections.  I am fairly certain that to some this pile of wound up fibers could resemble earthworms or just about anything if you let your imagination wander.  The unopened package in the center is a dead give away....CONTROL TOP (of course), sheer, sandal foot pantyhose.  
I am cleaning.  When it is 100 degrees out I tend to do that.  That way I can avoid anything that takes me outside.  Today while my grandchild napped, I cleaned drawers and much to my surprise, I found that I had three dresser drawers dedicated to pantyhose.  I have every shade from suntan to white.  That includes shades of grey and blue because I am certain that once in my lifetime I had a baby blue outfit that needed matching hose.
Sadly I guess no one bothered to tell me that NO ONE wears hose anymore.  It is a fashion faux paux. 
It is a giant blunder even at the most formal events...so I am told NOW.
So I sorted and matched and paired up even my knee highs.  It took awhile.  I did discard some....mainly those in the white/off white category because I am certain that I will never have a reason to wear anything with that shade again.  The others are safely stored away in just two drawers now.  Why...because I am sure they will make a comeback....along with bell bottoms and polyester leisure suits!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Independence Day America!!!!.......

 I LOVE the Fourth of July!  I love the red, white, and blue and anything that signifies the good in America.  I am patriotic at heart.  I love patriotic music and seeing a flag flying.  I know that despite the turmoil and chaos that seems to abound in government these days that America will survive just as it has done before.  That is the optimist in me.  And I look forward to celebrating Independence Day at the LAKE!!!  
 Somehow this year our view of the lake left a little...or a lot to be desired.  In place of water we have abundant sand and green overgrowth. 
You just need to be willing to hike out a little further than usual to enjoy all the benefits of the Fourth on the water!!!  And for a little fun in the sun...I am game!

Independence Day at the lake also means a totally awesome air show over the water with anchored boats and low flying aircraft.  Celebration at it's best!!

It also might mean a little game of tickle to kill the time between performances.....
 And what part if this activity would you not toatally LOVE1

It was a weekend of abundant blessings!
God Bless America and all who protect and serve!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Welcome Friends.....

 It is that time again!  One of my favorite times of the year.  It was the annual "Buddy Weekend" reunion!  It always feels so good to pull up in the driveway of our great friends lake resort and know we have nothing but rest and relaxation on the agenda!
How can you not enjoy every minute of the time you spend here when this is your view for two entire days? It is "inner peace" and "outer peace" all crammed into one.
While the females sat and solved all of the world's problems, the guys played on the toys and pretended work and worries were a million miles away.  I am sure they spent a little bit of time too reliving their childhood in their minds....as if any of their childhoods included ATV"S such as these!!!

No "buddy" get together would be complete without the mandatory consumption of way too much food.  They say people bond over food....well, we must have a connection that will never end!
Such true words.....we are making memories...but only memories to add to those we all ready have.
We go back a long way.  We had babies, we celebrated birthdays. we hoisted rival college football flags on our flagpoles (GET YOUR GUNS UP!), we cooked together, laughed together, and cried together.  Now we just add to the long list of things that bond us as friends.
This is a special time in our lives.  Grandkid discussion take the place of problems with children, wrinkles take the place of leftover baby weight and laughter just continues.
Our cars are packed and we are headed home.  We will be back because nothing beats a weekend away making more memories with special friends!