Yes, these are my other children.
This is my AVID family, and these precious faces have made it.
They are graduating.
They are the kids who could have had no future...but they were AVID.
If I have not emphasized the importance of this program before then let it be known that the curriculum works.
These kids were my last class before I retired.
They were my freshmen.
I was new to AVID. We learned and struggled together and became a family...that is what the program is about.
I loved these kids and still do, but they are leaving and so with them leaves my connection to North Garland. That somehow makes me sad today, but very proud.
These kids are headed to college.
Without AVID they would have fallen though the cracks.
A high school diploma would have been their greatest accomplishment.
Now they are off to Texas Tech, UNT, SMU, and even Harvard.
I feel like a parent watching their children leave the nest. These kids touched me.
They conquered obstacles that most of us cannot imagine...some were homeless, one has a child and is headed to SFA with her baby and her husband, one could not qualify for financial assistance because her dad was guilty of tax evasion, and the stories go on. BUT...they did not give up.
AVID pushed them to their dreams.
They are the kids who will always give back because they know what it is like to be without.
Every phase of my life has held a blessing and this was one of the best.
They are off to great places, they are off and away!!!!
"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
Hebrew 12:1