Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Field Trip!......

What do you do when it is July 29th and the temperature is 83 degrees outside?
You run a quick errand and then make an uplanned field trip to the City Of Sachse Historical Park.  I am not sure why we headed that way.  I had taken Brooklynn once simply to take pictures.  Today there was no agenda.  It just seemed like a fun thing to do.

As it turned out the curator of the museum (which happens to be in the building that housed city hall and the library when we moved here) came out to tell me that there were special guests visiting....some of the original Sachse family.  

Yes, meeting them would have been interesting but when you have two girls with a serious case of the sillys in tow it is best to stay outside.  So we explored the original firetruck owned by the city, crawled all over the old and rusted farm equipment and then went for a little lesson on the contents of the time capsule buried by the flag.
You see I know what a portion of the contents are.  I was there when then capsule was buried.  I watched them place of brochure from the newly built elementary school with the other memorabilia and on the cover of that brochure was a picture of Tim and our next door neighbor Storey, along with the schools namesake Earl Luna.  Mr. Luna was a prominent attorney who donated the land that was totally undeveloped when we moved here in 1979.  Tim was in first grade when they moved into the school that was less than a mile from our home.
I am not sure where I will be on March 2, 2036 and I am not sure why they chose that date to unearth the contents of the capsule.  I do know that by that date those in attendance that remember what life was like here in Sachse 50 years prior will be few and far between.  
I know that we never regretted moving our family out to what in 1979 was nothing but semi wilderness.  It was an awesome community of about 3300 people where our kids could ride their big wheels down the street without parental supervision.  I know that if your kids left at 9 in the morning and you did not see them until 4 in the afternoon you did not worry.  You knew that wherever they were, they were safe and someone had fed them lunch. I know that I felt so at home here that when we finally sold our home after 30 some years, we simply moved right to the other corner.  And I know that with the whole metroplex available for my children to reside in, they both chose to have Sachse addresses.  
I hope that in March of 2036 someone in my family will stand at the opening of the capsule and tell everyone that is there how lucky they were to call Sachse their home.

Faces I Love.....

Makes any day a sunny day!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Threshold Disease and Other Things......

I heard something interesting today and it made my life make total sense.  I am aging.  It is not something that really worries me.  I have full intentions of enjoying everyday and when my time runs out then so be it....no death wish, just no fear.  What I do fear, however, are those awful "senior moments" or "brain toots" when all that is in my head suddenly leaves.  I am loosing my train of thought.  I cannot remember what I was doing five minutes ago, and if I do not keep a very detailed calendar I sure don't know what I am supposed to do tomorrow.  So it seems as though there really is a name for this.  It is referred to as THRESHOLD DISEASE.  It is a real condition in the elderly.  It's symptoms are loss of memory when you cross the threshold from one room into another.  It is that awful feeling that you moved from the bedroom to the living room but you surely cannot remember why.  The only cure is to return to that spot you were standing in the bedroom and try total recall in hopes that it will work.  Been there done that more times than I care to remember....truth is I can't remember how many times because I have the disease.  It is a relief to know it is a real malady...a diagnosed problem.  I will not longer cringe when my kids make fun of me...for I know I am old and one of the surest symptoms is the onset of THRESHOLD DISEASE.
The following pictures are posted so that somewhere down the line I can remember why I smile all the time when my grandbabies walk through the door....
 Because craft time is always time for silliness and messes! 
 Because when you put your goggles on upside down it makes everyone laugh!
 Because cousins are cool!

Because there is nothing more fun that a swimming on a hot day
and we sure have had plenty of those!
And because blogs are a great way to overcome the fear of forgetting!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Just Another Day In Paradise!!!.....

I woke up this morning and looked out the window at my backyard and smiled.  My plants look great. I love my yard and the rain has kept everything from drying out and dying.  That means a little more life in the flowers I LOVE so much!
Then I saw this picture...PARADISE!!
Not my backyard and nowhere I have ever been.
Might be a nice place to visit though!
I have not been here either but a week in this hut might be like the best PROZAC ever!
Africa is another place I have never been, though Tim is in the middle of this now, and knows this way of life is real.  What I am betting is that these people may wish for better, but they know this is what they have and they are happy with it.  Maybe they are happier than those of us that have it all.
 I know that a few days with these precious girls and the flowers growing in my backyard is "my paradise" and I am very, very lucky.
Lucky enough to wake up and think....
Just another day in Paradise...my way!

"Blessed are the people who who know the joyful sound!  They walk, Oh Lord, in the light of your countenance.  In your name they rejoice all day long, and in your righteousness they are exalted."         Psalm 89:15-16

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Goodbye Sweet Max.......

It was a sad day.  
Max, our precious Boston Terrier went to the lake for the last time last weekend.
We knew he was sick.  We just did not realize how sick.
During the night he simply went out his dog door and laid down under the pecan tree and died.
That made it simple for us and he probably knew that.
No decisions had to be made and he was in his favorite place.  
For Jimmy, finding him there was not so simple.  That was his lake buddy.
Max was Sara's dog, but he was Jimmy's best friend.  
There was not a weekend in 13 years that Max did not hop in the truck at the mere mention of the word "lake".  He sat on the dock and watched us fish, he ran the perimeter of the yard over and over, and then he sat on the couch at night to recoup for another day.
It is hard.  This is the first time in about 28 years there has not been a dog in our house, at times multiple dogs.  We are animal free.  We are sad.
A pet does become a part of your family...man's best friend.  All of the platitudes about them not judging,  loving you no matter what your mood, and being totally forgiving is true. Max was loyal, loving, and frisky until he began to age.  Then he simply laid down by you and was your companion.
It is not as easy to replace a pet as it was when you were 30 or 40...truthfully Max simply cannot be replaced. anyway.  He was one of a kind.
 So, I guess for now and maybe forever we are a family minus a pet...and that is kind of hard for all of us.....
Goodbye Sweet Max

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Yes, it was me that complained to the manager of Hobby Lobby a month ago that Christmas items in June was really almost sacrilegious.  When we were buying sunscreen, they were unpacking Christmas ornaments, and I was not pleased.  
Well, shame on me!
I am the person that rejoiced when I heard Silent Night on the radio two days ago.  
Yes, it is true.  My favorite radio station was celebrating Christmas in July and I just sang along.  
Christmas is indeed the happiest time of the year.  Last years holiday was a bit of a downer with Tim celebrating alone in Africa...but this year will be different and I am going to be ready!!!
 I was not only singing along to holiday favorites, I was buying out Hobby Lobby for a planned craft day with an old friend.  What was on the agenda....Christmas crafts!!!!
She is a lover of the month of December just like me!!!
Her home is my inspiration for all things red and green.  
 While many friends were taking the before school starts trip to the beach...we were covering snowmen with glitter.  The only thing missing...Perry Como and Bing Crosby....ahhhh, next time!!!
I am happy!!!
In doing some research I found out that in Europe Christmas in July is pretty much a custom. 
It is a chance to call the family, drag out the cookbooks, and make some holiday favorites.
Who says you can not make turkey in the summer?
Hobby Lobby, I am truly sorry!  I am grateful that today I could buy some ornaments for the top of my paper Christmas tree.  After all it does not matter if the temperature is 102 degrees outside....
Christmas is a feeling in your heart!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pirated Again!........

Happy late 4th of July.....
pirated out of Mandy's Snapfish account!
It seems I have been making a habit of this type of behavior!

Don't want to miss remembering these happy faces on July 4, 2014!

Monday, July 7, 2014

A Story Of Faith......

I have without permission pirated these pictures from the post written by a dear friend of 36 years.  It is about a dad, father, and grandfather and a family of great faith. The Crouchs' were our neighbors and in the short two years we lived across the street from each other we became good friends.  We moved but we stayed in touch because we shared much.  One of the things we shared was a Catholic church...St. Josephs.  We saw each other at mass frequently.  We never missed and opportunity to visit after church.
Last week I was at a weekday mass where I saw the whole family in attendance.  To make this story that has so touched me brief I will just say that they had just gotten news that Bob was diagnosed with a large and almost always fatal brain tumor....a glioblastoma.  They were in church on a Tuesday morning to pray together and to receive the anointing of the sick as Bob faced a very difficult surgery.
I spoke with them after mass.  Bob was strong and steadfast in his belief that his life was in God's hands.  While the rest of the family and myself fought back tears, Bob smiled.  As he stated..."if I do not make it through surgery I will wake up with God.  How can that be bad?"
Oh to have such faith.

 When I got home from church that morning I sat down to send my friend a personal message being unable to express to her my thoughts as we stood there with Bob in church.  My calendar that day read:
"Mary and Martha were sitting at Lazarus's death bed waiting for Jesus to arrive.  They knew Jesus loved their brother.  They knew Jesus had the power to heal.  They knew Jesus would know what to do.  Though they struggled with fear and doubt, they had the underlying assurance that Jesus would eventually make everything all right."
You can read the words but do you dare to believe there could be hope?  If you have faith you do.
 Given six days to prepare for this, the family spent every possible moment together.  Amy did an amazing job of journaling and sharing pictures throughout the week.  They are part of a very strong faith community and prayers went up from everywhere for healing and strength.  
 This morning Bob held tight to his belief in God and the plans he had for him as he went into a five hour surgery.
 At 12:30 this afternoon the surgeon came in with the news....there is no tumor.  The tumor that was
measurable on an MRI a week ago was not there.  There was pus on the brain from a fungal infection and labs were sent out but there is no tumor.  How do you explain that?  If you have faith you know it was a miracle.  You know that there is more power in prayer than there is in the hands of a skilled surgeon.  We all know that sometimes Gods answer is not what we pray for and we don't always understand why..... but today this family can celebrate the healing power of prayer.
As for Bob....I think he believed all along.