We are a few days past Groundhog Day but if the tradition is to believed we are in for another six weeks of winter. Personally the winter part does not bother me but I would love to see another six weeks of rain!
So what does all of this have to do with the following thoughts?
I read on one of my favorite blogs that in the movie
Groundhog Day, Bill Murray has to repeat one day of his life over and over. The writer questioned what day we would repeat if we could.
I know most of us would go to our wedding day or the birth of our children and this post is not to downplay any of those amazing events. When you work as hard for babies as we did, then yes their arrival was at the top of the list.
For me it was pretty easy to pick the day, or actually weekend I would repeat. For some reason Matt has been on my mind a lot lately. I have seen a lot of families in the past few weeks dealing with death. I do not know if it our age or what but the reality that there is an end to our time here has been in my face more than usual. I miss my son, I miss him every single day though I do not talk about it much. I wonder what his family would be like and what he would be doing.
It was easy to go back to one of my favorite times we ever spent together. It was simple, nothing fancy. For some reason that I cannot even remember I flew into Annapolis to spend the weekend with Matt. It was shortly before his graduation and it was beautiful weather and a beautiful time. From the moment Matt picked me up at the airport until I left it was perfect..
We hung out at the "One Way" with all of the other guys that lived at the off campus FRAT HOUSE.
For whatever reason it was three days of time we talked, laughed and just enjoyed being together. Those times are so few.
One of his favorite parts of our visit was showing off his new used boat. All that know me know that I was less than enthusiastic about a purchase he made before he even received his diploma, but that was so like Matt. He was always in a hurry to experience everything. In God's plan that was the way it should have been because he was not given the time the rest of us have.
It was a happy time for him and that might have been the reason the whole weekend seemed so relaxed.
I am not at all sure how this event fit into our activities but I got to see Matt with the friends he loved so much in an environment that had helped mold him into the man he was becoming. The pictures to me are priceless as they remind me of the moments we shared that will never be repeated. I was sad to go that Sunday. I knew in my heart that Matt was leaving the Academy soon and pursuing the career of his dreams. We might never again have those special moments that we were able to share that weekend.
Picking this time to repeat was easy. I do go back there in my mind often. I know it is crazy but it was special. I knew when we hugged goodbye at the airport that our time together meant as much to him as it did to me and those are the times that come around so rarely. Oh how I wish I had a Groundhog Day, just one time to repeat that weekend.