I have been going though pictures for our next travel day and I have so many pictures of the ordinary life in Jerusalem, I thought I needed to add them to my travel journal.
What a different life they lead here in this Holy City.
Ice cream is easy find...made me feel right at home. There was a vendor at every corner.
Always choose Love and Chocolate.....
my kind of message!
Love these people. Smiles were not hard to find in our group. We were on a journey of pure happiness.
Think this is a bit of a re-creation of the real one.
Did not have time to eat here....maybe on another trip.
Della and Delores. They started out strangers and became best of friends...
sisters from different mothers as they called themselves.
Suzanna, Judy, and Marsha....singles like me glad to find new friends on this ten day pilgrimage.
A stroll down a street inside the walls of the Holy City.
Orthodox Jews and Isreali soldiers sharing space in the square.
While there is conflict all over the land of Israel, there is also an abundant amount of tolerance.
Dan and Glenn...such wonderful men of God and not afraid to share their faith.
Israeli's in quiet prayer.
A Uzi and a cell phone...great combination!!!
I spent days fascinated by the Jewish culture. More study needed.
Open carry law in the Holy Land.
Common mode of transportation here.
My roommate and her new friends!
Jerusalem's version of 7-11.
Yes, I bought from here. The name said I must.
Sadly, there is no country not affected by the homeless population.
Jerusalem's version of 7-11.
Yes, I bought from here. The name said I must.
Sadly, there is no country not affected by the homeless population.
Does everyone everywhere walk down the street on a cell phone?
Some things are just universal.
What a learning experience this has been for me!!