Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pictures In Town.....

I have been going though pictures for our next travel day and I have so many pictures of the ordinary life in Jerusalem, I thought I needed to add them to my travel journal.  
What a different life they lead here in this Holy City.
Ice cream is easy find...made me feel right at home.  There was a vendor at every corner.
Always choose Love and Chocolate.....
my kind of message!
Love these people.  Smiles were not hard to find in our group.  We were on a journey of pure happiness.
Think this is a bit of a re-creation of the real one.
Did not have time to eat here....maybe on another trip.
Della and Delores.  They started out strangers and became best of friends...
sisters from different mothers as they called themselves.
Suzanna, Judy, and Marsha....singles like me glad to find new friends on this ten day pilgrimage.
A stroll down a street inside the walls of the Holy City.

Orthodox Jews and Isreali soldiers sharing space in the square.
While there is conflict all over the land of Israel, there is also an abundant amount of tolerance.

Dan and Glenn...such wonderful men of God and not afraid to share their faith.
Israeli's in quiet prayer.
A Uzi and a cell phone...great combination!!!
I spent days fascinated by the Jewish culture.  More study needed.
Open carry law in the Holy Land.
Common mode of transportation here.
My roommate and her new friends!
 Jerusalem's version of 7-11.
Yes, I bought from here.  The name said I must.
Sadly, there is no country not affected by the homeless population.
Does everyone everywhere walk down the street on a cell phone?
Some things are just universal.
What a learning experience this has been for me!!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Departing Tiberias.........

Today was a bit sad.  We arose, ate breakfast, and put out our luggage for departure to Jerusalem.  
I would be lying if I said I was not totally excited about all the things that were ahead of us, but our stay on the beautiful Sea of Galilee has been more than words can describe.  We have toured, visited, and reflected.  It has been awesome.  The time has come to leave this behind for the next leg of the journey and today will bring more incredible sights.

First stop on our journey South is the Church of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.

It was on this 1900 foot mountain that Peter, James, and John were witnesses to the Transfiguration of Christ.  It was here they spent quiet time, time for reflection, and so it is meant to be today.

Together we were given time after mass in this gorgeous church to reflect and just be still.  
The stained glass peacocks signify glory.  There is simply no way to sit still in this church and not feel God's glory in all things, both old and new.

The hillsides were glorious, but what struck me the most was the reality of the person Jesus must have been.  To have traveled the distances by foot that we have by bus is a testament to the pure physical strength and endurance that our Lord must have possessed.  Mile after mile of terrain, both flat lands and mountains, and as He walked the crowds followed.
On the way to Jerusalem we stopped in Jericho and the sight of the sycamore tree where the story of Zacchaeus took place.  As related in the gospel of Luke, Zacchaeus was a Roman tax collector who was very short in stature.  When he heard Jesus was passing through town, he climbed up in a sycamore tree to catch a glimpse of our Lord.  Jesus spotted him and insisted he come down so he could stay with him for the night.  Zacchaeus gave half of his possessions to the Lord and repaid fourfold all of those he had taken advantage of.
And the Lord blessed Zacchaeus.

 As in all tourist spots, holy or not, there are the insistent vendors who will sell you anything for a dollar!
 Leaving Jericho we passed the Mount of Temptations where Jesus spent 40 days and nights and was subject to continual temptations by the devil.

 Small communities dotted the roadsides on our way to Jerusalem.  
Different cultures were noted by the fact that the roof was flat or pointed.
 Finally rounding the curve we got our first look at the holy city of Jerusalem.  
That magnificent golden dome that is the trademark sight of this city did not disappoint. 
 The entire city is built our of white limestone and other that a few red rooftops this is the only color there is.  No wonder so many people travel to see this sight.  

And last stop....our home for the remainder of our journey...
The Notre Dame Center.  
If it is good enough for Pope Francis it is surely good enough for me!!!
What a perfect place to spend the next five nights.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Day Two Up North.....

It has been really hard going through all of the pictures (over 1000 in all) and trying to decide what I want to remember.  This trip was not like France.  When I went through all of those pictures I had endless words to describe where we were and what we saw.  This trip was different.  We were all affected in different ways by what we saw each day.
Day number two  started by a trip to the Mount of Beatitudes...
"Blessed are the poor in spirit..."
I have heard this gospel read for as long as I have been a Catholic...
all of my life.
On this day I was here.
Yes, churches have been erected on all of these sights, making them not at all like they were 2000 years ago so you have to imagine.
Our priest, and spiritual director choose to have mass outside, right on the side of the Mount.  
It was breathtaking.
As the gospel was read the words were different.....
"And Jesus came up the side of THIS mountain..."
Yes, we were there on the very mountain when he gave his sermon, and there many tears shed as we realized what was happening in the moment.  So glad to share this with so many close friends.
Were we standing in the exact spot?
More than likely not, but did Jesus feet probably walk where we walked, I am convinced they did.
The rustic side of the hill chapel where we attended mass....
I will never forget the feelings of sitting on that hillside.
My dear friend Barbara and her husband Doug....
both lost their spouses years ago and were married last summer.  They are 78 and 82 and ran circles around me in the unbearable heat.  I should be so lucky ten years from now.

Walking with our spiritual director is my new friend Dora.  She lost her husband two months ago.  Dora arrived a woman in such pain and left almost healed.  The change in her was amazing...it takes a village.
Leaving the hillside behind and heading to our next stop.
The Church of the Primacy of St. Peter.
It was on this spot that Jesus saw the disciples after His resurrection and called out to them as they fished.  As Peter recognized Him, he jumped into the water and swam to shore.  

And Jesus took the loaves and fish and fed Peter and the disciples on this rock.
And I stood here.
Next stop, The town of Capharnaum.
it was in this town that most of the ministry of Jesus took place. 
It is where Jesus called to Simon (Peter) and his brother as they were fishing.
The house of Peter sits in this town and is visible from the side and from the glass floor of the church that sits above it.  

The walls of the temple here stand over the original black walls of the temple where Jesus worshipped. That millions of tourist have toured this area and it stands thousands of years later is incredible.

Final stop on this busy day....
the "Man in Galilee" museum.
This boat was recently uncovered and dates back 2000 years.
It was sprayed with foam and lifted carefully out of the water so it did not disintegrate in the process of removal.  Do they claim that it was the boat that Jesus and the disciples used? No, but it is similar and the fact that it was unearthed after all this time is hard to wrap your mind around.  
Last activity of the day...a ride on the Sea of Galilee in our own wooden boat, complete with a motor.

 The hour long voyage was filled with music, laughter, reflection, and a little more bonding as we realized that we were indeed on the same waters as Christ had been.
I still have to pinch myself when I think about the fact that I actually took this trip.
In no part of my imagination did I see myself ever riding on the Sea of Gailiee.
SHALOM friend,
thanks for the ride!