Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Still A Family Of Four........

It is Thanksgiving Eve and we are still waiting.  I waited in California for 12 days for Brooklynn's arrival, all the time emailing lesson plans to a not so good substitute and I survived.  Somehow this baby is making me anxious.  I want him/her to arrive, but surely not as badly as the parents do!
 While Mandy and Tim made a trip to the doctor today...hoping that she would be sent to the hospital, I spent the day with the girls.  Yes, they are very eager to welcome a baby.  To pass the time we cooked (for Thanksgiving) only burning two of the pies and making a huge mess in the kitchen!!!
 But, we were not just making pies, we were making memories.
I have two little homemakers.  They love to cook and sew and do everything I love to do so entertaining them is not so difficult.
We moved from the mess in the kitchen to enjoy some fun in front of the tree.  A little Christmas music, and a little laughter.  
 Whatever Brooklynn finds comical, Finley does too.  
 On to another part of the house and a little tent building.  Finley's favorite game...let's play family.
 Give me your best mad face......
These precious girls were only here three hours and it took me three more hours to repair the damage that was done!  And I do not care.  There is such a short time to childhood and such a short time to Christmas.  
The holidays are so hectic and while everyone else races to fill their calendars with holiday parties, lunch dates, and runs to the mall I just want to enjoy the moment.  I want time.  
I graciously passed off Thanksgiving to my sister in law the day before the actual event (out of fear we would be making a hospital run) and I am relieved.  I want to sleep late, drink coffee, mess up someone else's house this year and come home with no leftovers to store.   
I don't want to shop on Black Friday, and I am glad what decorating I am doing is done.  It is exactly a month until Christmas day and if I don't accomplish anything else this season, I will enjoy my babies....the two that are here and the one that I hope gets here soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I Am The One......

Yes, I am the one.  I am the one who thinks everything should have a season.  
I am truly angry when Christmas decor shows up at Hobby Lobby right after July 4th.  I think summer should last until after Labor Day.
 I am also the one who wants to look at Christmas in my house from Halloween on!
I have been on a person self evaluation mission to decide why I want two months of the happiest time of the year...and that is it!  It is the happiest time of the year!
 This year it has taken a little longer to truly feel in the "mood" simply because the weather has been way too warm.  Today however it turned a bit cooler thereby justifying my need for twinkling lights and merriment!
 I also know that I do not work at the rapid pace I used to anymore.  I cannot get the house done in a weekend....or even two.  Thank heavens for retirement.  I can unpack a box or two a day and feel like I have accomplished something significant!
It makes me "merry".  It makes me appreciate the good humor of the man at the Salvation Army bucket in front of Kroger who is ringing his bell for the next 40 days or so.
I have immersed myself in the sappy Christmas shows on the Hallmark Channel all weekend and wondered why they draw me in.  I think it is because their Christmases seem to last forever.  I want to be like them.  I want things done and I want to curl up with hot chocolate in front of the tree and read without worrying about searching Amazon for another gift.  
I want to savor!!!!
So I am.  My goal is to finish before the arrival of grand baby #3 and then I can relax and enjoy that precious bundle.
What a gift!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Coming Soon!.......

Remember the days of the first grandchild when you photographed each week of the "baby bump"?
Yes, so do I!
Remember #3 and #4 when you realized that it was almost time for one of them to get here and you had no pictures at all?
 A few weeks ago at our Sunday dinner we decided a quick few picks were in order...much to the dismay of my daughter in laws.  You see Sunday is their day to go makeup and hair wrapped up somewhere in back.  They agreed to a pic if I would just photoshop their heads off!
The sad thing is, you cannot even see their bellies!  They are hiding their tummies well...though neither is actually very big anyway.  Tucked up in there are my grand babies to be...gender unknown.
I am anxious to meet them both and hope for safe deliveries and healthy little ones.  
A new one just in time for Thanksgiving....
what a gift!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Before It Is Thanksgiving........

Before I have time to push post on this group of pictures it is going to be Thanksgiving and then shortly thereafter Christmas.  Oh my!!
So many events crammed in a short period of time and I want to enjoy the moments not watch them whiz by.  
I had to have Mandy sent me pictures from her iPhone of Halloween because I forgot my camera.
Not typical for me.  It is always with me.  Not this year sadly. 
 My little girls went with My Little Pony and Team UmiZoomie themes.
My Little Pony I recognize.  It has been around since my kids were little.  The other theme....not so much.  But Finlet was a proud Millie and as long as she knew what she was that is all that matters!
I have never been a big fan of Halloween.  My kids were.  They did not go with a regular treat was a pillowcase for them and they did not stop until it was close to full.  Then they would come home and sort their candy.  
I intend to embrace the joy the kids find in the holiday.  I was possibly deprived of enjoying the holiday as a child...I do not remember.  Neverthless I will celebrate with them and enjoy watching them get sugared up...and then go home!