We are experiencing our 12th 80 degree day this winter...as in since January. That is unheard of. In fact we have set a record, and it is really rather sad. I know this is a great way to spend February, but what does that mean for July? Probably do not want to even ponder that thought.
As mild as the winter was, we lost all of our backyard shrubs and it is really unsightly. My backyard is my go to place for peace and tranquility, which I desperately need some days.
With that in mind, I headed to the nursery to see what I could plant.
It is February and normal temps say it is not time to plant anything. There is plenty of time for a freeze.
Not to be deterred, I bought a fern and some marigolds just so I could satisfy my need to dig in the dirt. I know when that final freeze comes I will regret this, but not today!