Monday, August 21, 2017

AND HE IS 40!.......

So we went with the nautical theme.
Perfect for a former navy man and an avid lake lover!
I would say lake lover would be the one nearest and dearest to his heart.
Yes, Finley came to the party all decked out in her new purple cast...
an accessory that none of us envied on this very hot day. She was a trooper...never complained and joined in all the festivities. Someday this will be a story to tell...for now it is just hot and itchy.
Captured...I avoid pictures ALWAYS....but sadly caught without enough warning.
Brooklynn is always ready to party...especially at the lake!
And when you can't swim like the rest of the gang, you decorate the big old cast with little colored puff balls.

Our tiny jet ski lover.
Crazy party faces.

Fun family celebration....
The big 40 and mom is feeling really old!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Just Some Facts.......

My son just got home from a business Chicago!
I asked him if he knew that was where I was born....
"No, I thought you were born in Peoria."
So I got to thinking...of course.
My kids do not have a lot of facts.
I am really filling all of this in so if they ever go back through my books they can find some of the answers to the questions that I wish I had asked my mom and dad.
So, yes, I was born in Chicago and I guess my parents did not officially name me until the day of my baptism because my birthday was not September 5th!
Sadly this is a very poor picture but this is a picture of my grandparents on the day I was baptized. 
I do not now how old they were here but I have been told that my granddad was totally bald when he was 26.  He wore a toupe for awhile until someone pulled it off...then it was goodbye toupe.
I am sorry boys.  I guess your propensity to early hair loss was hereditary.  
And my grandmother...never saw here in anything but a dress.  I guess that was a sign of the times.  
I loved her dearly.  She had a huge heart and was always available, unless it was time to watch her "stories" on the 7" TV screen of hers.
There are a few fact kids.  More as I think of them or before I just can't remember them anymore.


I cannot help it!
It is back to school and supplies are front and center in every store...
I have purchased in every store.
I love new school supplies.
New glue sticks, crayons, markers, and folders.
Yes, I need them.  I have grandkids.  Even if I didn't I would buy them and donate them because the fun is in purchasing crayons for 50 cents a box.  
I reorganized my folder for Faith Formation...a new one of course!
I bought new dividers, a spiral notebook, and markers and pens.
It is the teacher in me.
Did I mention I love school supplies?

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Not the Norm......

What a beautiful way to start the month of August!
The temps are in the 80"s, rain is in the forecast, and the highs will not even reach 90 all week!
What a great day!!