Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Decade's End.......

Such truth.
I leave this year with these thoughts.

I remember ringing in 2000...good old Y2K!
Now we are moving on to 2020 and I am not sure where the last twenty years have gone.
If I simply focus on this last year I know it has been good.  I am happy. I spend my days doing mostly what I like.  I am not fancy.  I am happy with simple.  I realized that tonight as I finished this year at mass in the company of people I love...yes, my church family.  An altar with the lights of Christmas still shining, a choir filling the church with music that still brought thoughts of Christ's birth, and familiar faces in worship as we welcome in this year.  It was the way the year should end.
I am hopeful.  I know this next year will be as good as last.
My resolutions...simple....

Use the gifts God has given me wisely
Be grateful always
Be healthier, my body matters
Facebook less, be more present to others and myself
Appreciate the ordinary
Declutter so my family won't have to do it when I'm gone
Just love

Just things that you should do everyday.
Goodbye 2019!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Years End......

It is almost then end of another decade.  Yes, it is almost 2020.  In years past I have loved blogging.  It is a record of my life in words and pictures.  It matters to me.
I quit and now I am sad and determined to restart.  Not in some creative and clever way but just in facts and thoughts.  
We wrapped up this year with a fun Christmas.  We created lots of memories through experiences.  
This next year it is my goal to record these experiences. 
I will be accountable.  It may only be once a week but I am going to leave my thoughts for whoever cares when I am no longer here.
Just love this family!!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Sacred Space......

This is my space.....like selfishly my own space.
It is not designer perfect by any means but I do not care.  
 This was the draw when we bought the house...this crazy, built by the original owner corner desk.  I loved that I could put my sewing machine on the desk and drag out all my fabrics without moving it off the kitchen table.
 After twelve years of coffee spills, worn spots, and needles stuck in the carpet, the carpet came up and wood went down.
 An old recliner went to Goodwill and and my chocolate brown marshmallow feeling recliner took its place.
 And on the shelves are all of my favorite things.  Family pictures, quotes that speak to me, quilt books, photography manuals, and sacred pictures painted by a special friend. 
   In here is everything I love and when I drink my morning coffee in my favorite chair I am in my happy space surrounded by "my stuff".
It is peace, tranquility, and warm fuzzy feelings because it is MY space.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Favorite Things.....

Not jewelry, not fancy cars, not designer clothes...though these things are nice.  My favorite things are empty journals, motivational books, and coffee cups.  The coffee cups that start my day off with a quote that can stay with me throughout the day.  
 I love waking up in the morning now that I can start the day without an alarm...retirement is perfect!
A cup of coffee and time in my favorite space (more on that later). 
I love to write.  I don't have an agenda but journaling my thoughts has always been a thing for me.  
So give me 30 minutes, sometimes more, to sip on coffee, read something uplifting and motivational, and then journal whatever is on my mind.  Just my thoughts for the day.  It is pen to paper and no one has to read it or like why I have to say.  It is for me.
I am always on the lookout for something to read, a pretty journal to write in and a coffee cup that inspires me....
Today "Scatter Joy"  

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Behold the Pantry!!!.....

Three days....three whole days and several hundred dollars but it is done.
 This may not rival a professionally done pantry but you have no idea how far it has come.  The fact that I did not take before photos stuns me...or possibly it would embarrass me.  
Our pantry was a horror story.  Way too much food for way too few people but now it is in a state of total organization.
And I promise that the pantry Nazi will make sure it stays that way!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Reminders of Christmas!....

Just a few pictures that remind me what a wonderful Christmas we had this year!

It was perfect and I will forever treasure pajamas, games, laughter, and gifts.
We are blessed!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Again.....

I am back! 
 A whole year of no blogging, no written adventures or ideas or happenings.  I missed it.  I found  myself taking much fewer pictures, forgetting things that I want to remember, and generally just being sad that there was no more blog to pass on.
I am not seeking to entertain, just to remember.
My days pass too quickly and the times I love need to be recorded.
It may not be often or even important but it will be.
Welcome 2019!
Thanks for calling me back.