The governor has started the reopening process.
Starting Friday movie theaters, restaurants, libraries, and retail shopping can open as long as they are not at more than 25% capacity. We had the most new cases of Covid 19 reported today. So how is reopening flattening the curve?
I think we are all unnerved and afraid. We are sick of being in, but fearful of going out. We have struggled for 5 or more weeks to social distance, we have worn masks, deodorized everything in sight, and washed our hands until they are raw. We have personally taken every precaution known to man and the numbers continue to grow.
There are those that are moving freely about seemingly without a care in the world. Do they not watch the news or do they simply not care at all.
This is political.....what does that means? Do people really think that some politician wants to put people in the unemployment line, cause companies to go under, drive every individual to mentally struggle with what is happening world wide? I cannot see it.
Tonight I am confused.
I want life to be normal, I want to see my family, and I want to go to church. I just do not want to do this before I know we are safe.
What is Gods plan in all of this?
Please let us all hang on until the time is right. We have worked so hard and we want to reach the finish line as soon as it is safe.