Wednesday, July 8, 2020

To Go or Not to Go?.....

Parents right now are facing a tough choice.  I am so glad it is not me.
Amidst rising COVID numbers daily decisions must be made as to whether to send you kids to school or do virtual learning.
Masks, social distancing, lunch in the classroom,  how do you do recess and P.E.?
What if there is a positive case in the classroom?
Do you quarantine everyone for 14 days and then return to school?
What is happening?  When will this end?
As a part of the senior generation and those they consider most susceptible I have really been careful about what I have done and not done.  I make trips only when necessary.  I don't go without a mask.  Lysol wipes...always!
What is it going to take to eradicate this disease and move on to NORMAL?
Enough is enough.

Monday, July 6, 2020

COVID 4TH......

Covid numbers are at an all time high.  They have been reporting 1100 plus cases per day here in the metroplex.  Masks are required everywhere.  Gatherings are to be kept small and only immediate family should be together.  
We headed to the lake as we always do for the holiday and it was a great escape.
Cedar Creek was full of families wanting to just be out of town.
The kids played and swam and went down the slide until their bathing sit bottom were worn thin.
I think the fireworks were at their all time best.  Did not look like there were any signs o recession at the fireworks stands.
It was a good weekend.  It was a weekend that I hope we all can forget the tension and unrest that have plagued our country for the last four plus months.
God bless America and hold all of us in the palm of your hands.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Broken Bow 2020......

Yes, we snuck out of town mid pandemic and went on our planned trip to Broken Bow.
We had planned this since last year and after much discussion and right before our cancellation date we all voted it was a go.
Am I ever glad we did.
Our first stop was the Broken Bow Mining Company where the kids all mined for treasure and then identified their rocks on a chart...lots of different treasures in that bag!

A little swim and then time to check into our cabin...
Perfect name for what we are expecting to do...
waste a little time!

Lake time.....
Pontoon, tube, and sun!

Party Time 2020!
This years theme, a little 70's fun and even the littles got into the action!

When it rains all day Sunday, you improvise and invent!
You play with bubbles, you paint rocks, play in the creek and take a walk in the rain.
Nothing can spoil our day away!

It was fun, it was family time, it was memories.  The times are few that you can escape, especially during this weird time we are living in.
I am so grateful for all the time we had in one of our favorite vacation spots.