Of course there is always the topic of New Years resolutions. I make them like everyone else every New Years Eve and then forget what they were by February 1st. This year I am looking at it differently. Instead of a resolution, I am making a "bucket list" of things I want to accomplish this year. Things I won't dread doing, like loosing weight, but things I know I want to do that I am determined to finish before 2011. I think that writing this down will help me commit and this won't be a chore, it will be a pleasure!
*Mastering my camera: Not so easy since I have purchased a camera that is way over my head but I love pictures, they are moments captured forever, and I am committed to reading the manual. Maybe I will even fit in a class on the subject. It is a passion of mine so I might as well do it right, right?
*Sewing: It is therapy. I love to quilt and arrange pieces of fabric into designs. I have stacks of material. I love it. Next year I am not just going to look at it and feel it, I am going to find time to sew more. It makes me feel good.
*Cook: It is how I earn a living...teaching kids to cook....but I never do it at home. I have about 300 cookbooks. I buy them, read them, put post it notes in them and that is it.....cookbooks full of post it notes. This year I am determined to actually make a shopping list on Sunday and make dinner during the week. I am going to test all of those recipes and enjoy what I love. It has to this point been a total lack of organization...no more. This year, dear family, we won't have pancakes and grilled cheese every night.
*Finish my grandaughters scrapbook: Another form of therapy and it is piled in the corner with parts of pages everywhere. I love it. It is creativity that makes me feel good but it seems there is always something else to do..like vacuum. Think I can put that off and do something that really matters.
If I can accomplish this I will have had a VERY good year. I will report back on my success on New Years Eve 2011!