Decorations that is! And a whole lot less stress. I am a self
proclaimed Christmas freak. I love it. I look forward to dragging the many, many boxes out of the attic and going through the treasures I have collected over the years. Memories in plastic tubs...probably too may tubs but you cannot get rid of them. It is history in those boxes.

But this year things are different. We have a new
grandbaby and Tim and his family are on the move. They will be in Florida for Christmas.

I have never had Christmas without everyone here so this is strange...and I am a bit sad...no, a lot sad.

So, I decided to take a break and when I got to the big tree that goes in the living room I voted no. Think we will just leave it in the attic. It is a relief. I love it but it is two days of work and this year we will do Christmas on a smaller scale. It is nice. I have time now. I can put on the Christmas music and read a magazine, just relax, go to a Christmas musical at work, or just hang out with Sara. I feel great. I will survive not having to put everything back in the attic after Christmas. Maybe I will sleep later a couple of mornings or have lunch with friends. There are so many possibilities. Did I mention how good this feels?

The tree will be there next year. I will drag it out with enthusiasm and Christmas will be the same again...but for this year a break is great!
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