I have mail...
from Kenya!!!!
Yes, today in the mail there was a letter from Leshan. It gave a whole new meaning to "you've got mail!" It came from Kenya...half way around the world. It was penned by a translator but the words were Leshan's and it was exciting. Leshan is our Compassion sponsor child and I have not for a moment regretted taking the steps to adopt this young man.
Lashan is 8 and he is still in nursery school. If it was not for the work of the Compassion program, school might not be an option at all. This gives kids hope of moving beyond a poverty level that is worse than any of us can imagine.
Leshan's favorite meal is rue and potatoes. Can you imagine our kids choosing that among the many things they are offered? That is his favorite. I can only imagine what his other meals must be like. I do imagine. I do wonder. I know this is probably beyond what will ever happen but one day I would like to visit. The ministry takes trips. It is a long process but it is a possibility. Until I can go...if I can go...I will be thrilled to get mail and I will continue to write because I know it matters. And what all of this has done is make me look at what I have in a whole new way. I know I have been blessed with so much so I am glad I can help.