What a difference a week makes....
Instead of seeing this beautiful tree lined street when I walk everyday....
I see this.
Instead of seeing this smiling face when I wake everyday......
I see these.
I miss my week in Florida. It was great. I was busy. It was a good busy, a different busy. Now it is back to what I know on a real everyday basis. It is
What I had in Florida was FUN! That is not to say that my normal day is not fun because it is. If it was not I would not be doing it...but it is not Gramma fun. But the fact of the matter is...I am now a Gramma, not a mother. Well, I still am a mom but I enjoy Brooklynn in a totally different way. I visit. I do not raise her, I enjoy her. Parenting is for younger people than me. I have done that. But it sure is wonderful to reach Gramma age....guess that is why we all pay our dues with our kids when we are younger...because a grandchild is the reward!
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