Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Almost Wordless.....
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Yes, I Really Posted These.....
Friday, September 17, 2010
Because I Want to Remember.....
I thought about keeping all of my thoughts in my heart today because I know that this day probably affects me the most. I am the one that carried Matt and birthed him. I held him first and thanked God first for the miracle in my arms.
But this is my journal and what I write here is what I want to remember...and I do want to remember. I want to remember that Matt was an individual. He was unique and blessed. He was happy and made everyone around him happy. Matt reached out to everyone and made them feel special. He actually believed they were special and if you hung around Matt you believed you were special too. To him the world was a beautiful place and each day was to be enjoyed to it's fullest. He smiled always and made me smile when he walked in the room because no matter what was on his plate...he still found a reason to be happy. We were blessed. The time was not long but the memories are forever. No one can take those away so I am grateful. The memories I have are what is on my mind today. All the great days and the big hugs and the phone calls but mostly the joy in his heart because that is the Matt I remember. Some people can have their child for a lifetime and not know the happiness that we had with him in those short 27 years. I thank God for that.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
According to Dr. Oz.....
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Are You Ready for Some Football?....

Friday, September 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Sara....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I had news last week that has been weighing on my mind. My cousin is ill...very ill. He is battling cancer and the treatment will be tough. Without going into a lot of detail just know that although we have not been in contact for awhile it was difficult news to hear. It seems like not too long ago we were all together as children at my Grandmothers enjoying Christmas and the snow. It was fun. It was family. I loved it.
My cousin is not much older than me. I cannot imagine what it must be like knowing the fight you have ahead of you. Should he have seen the doctor sooner, is this just God's plan, will the treatment be successful, how much do I really want to endure? How do you answer all of that?
What he has decided to do is take the time he is in treatment and write. He is telling a story of family, of his plans, of his life. These are words that will be permanent. His kids and grandkids can hang on to his thoughts forever. It is the world as he sees it.
My flight time lead me to think about my blog. I do not know why I started it. It is and was thoughts. It is not my life in detail. I am not telling a story of things past and family so much as what my days are about. Maybe someday my grandkids will come upon my journal and take time to read a few passages (or posts). They may laugh and ask their dad how random I really was! It is okay if he answers. My words are who I am...wierd or not!
With the loss of a son, I know more than most that you never know what each day will bring. What starts off as a beautiful morning can become a nightmare in an instant. A second in time can change your life forever. The picture is never the same. We all know that you are not promised tomorrow. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Do not let things go unsaid that you might wish you had told someone right now....and so on. It is all the cliches. We hear them but do we really practice them? Today I am sad. I pray for my cousin but I also wonder. What is in store for me tomorrow? I really just want to enjoy today because that is what I have. That is just what is on my mind....and those are the thoughts I am leaving on paper this evening.