I used to care. In fact, I spent WAY too much time caring about fingerprints on the windows and the coffee table. I worried about dust and clutter and surface mess. I must have gotten it from my mom. She was very "task oriented"....so much so that sitting on my bedspread at home was not allowed. I did not go that far but I guess I did inherit the need for order all of the time.

I don't care anymore. Well, I still vacuum everyday but it is dog hair. It is ridiculous dog hair that our two dogs leave everywhere they go. I love these dogs but I cannot stand to sit on the floor and get up with white fur all over me. So, yes, the vacuum has a spot right in the middle of our sun room. I do not even bother to put it in a closet. I use it too often.

But finger prints, dust, and clutter....don't care! Who do I know that is going to come over and say..."oh goodness, there is slobber all over your windows."?? So,
Brooklynn you can come over anytime and kiss Ozzie all you want through the glass. Your little fingerprints will
probably be there the next time you are here because it is really not that important...I only wish I had enjoyed more and cleaned less when my kids were growing up.
Brooklynn and I will play and bake and color and walk and do anything we want to do...but we won't clean...because the moments are
fleeting and I want to enjoy every one of them.
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow,
Because babies grow up we learn to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep,
I am rocking the baby and babies don't keep.
love this...so true! i just got onto motivatedmoms and it gives you a list that is super easy and takes almost no time (during naps) so i can enjoy kennedy and feel like i'm getting a few things done. but when company comes, it may or may not be dust or vaccuum day before. i can almost surely get the sheets washed though. btw, i didn't see any fingerprints...but then again i wouldn't even notice. :) it was so fun to see you guys and meet this darling brooklynn. :)