Saturday, December 31, 2011

This Is It....

This is it. It is the end of another year. 2011 is just hours away from being over and it has been as always...fleeting. I so clearly remember wearing the "2000" glasses as we toasted in a new century and waited for the dire predictions of Y2K...armed with water bottles and flashlight batteries. That was 12 years ago. In another 12 years it will be 2024. I am too tired to figure out how old I will be then but I will be well past my prime!
This has been a GREAT year. Too much to recap but nothing but good in the 12 months that have passed. One of the highlights is my new found freedom. As sad as I thought I would be without a job the thought of starting another semester on Monday right now would make me need lots of Zanax!
I am happy. My children think I am old and forgetful and repetitive but all of that equals joyful. There are things I do not need to remember and I really do not care if I tell a story 5 times. I must think it is entertaining or I would not have even told it once. I am less stressed about having everything taking down the two Christmas trees that still stand in my house that would have been packed up the day after Christmas before. There is always tomorrow. And if I do not make it till tomorrow then my kids can take care of that for me!
I am excited about all that lies ahead. My kids are happy and that is about as good as it gets. So tonight as we roll over into a whole new year I will celebrate the blessings of 2011 and tomorrow I will anticipate what the future holds and I am looking for nothing but good in 2012.

"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."

T.S. Elliott

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Day, The Finale!!.....

Another round of family presents and another day of fun!

To make the almost retired man happy a gift of pure pleasure...the items necessary to make his own wine. I am currently looking for a place for him to set up his out in the storage building in the neighbors back yard!

And with the boxes all opened and dinner complete, we headed out to the Gaylord Texas to enjoy Christmas lights and "ICE".
"ICE" is a massive production put on by the resort that has beautiful ice sculptures in a 17 degreee environment that never ceases to amaze me.
SHREK was this years theme and it was totally incredible!!!

It was nothing but fun and a great way to end a perfect Christmas holiday!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve Part II....

The Family Celebration!!!!
More presents....
And more family pictures!
A perfect evening shared with the Shubzda family!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let The Fun Begin.....

Christmas came in segments this year...and when you love the holiday like I do that is the way to celebrate as far as I am we will start with Christmas Eve morning!I am family photo crazy and so before we can begin sharing the pile of packages it is totally necessary to set up the camera and begin with a picture. Sadly enough I decided against matching pajamas this year and now I am sorry I did.
I am including the outtake here to remind the fam that you should really have someone besides an overweight person with an artificial knee press the timer button on the camera!!
After all formalities are taken care of it is on to presents!
It is golf gear and a new set of clubs for gramps....and detailed instructions on how to assemble his new bag.
Stocking stuffers....
And a pint size chair for our favorite grandchild!For gramma the perfect sentiment...this pic was after 10 attempts to capture the moment minus tears!
Toys....And tools! Uncle Drew probably has issued an invite to join him on the construction site. "B" is ready!!!
And to end a perfect morning...a special gift from Drew and Heather!!!!
Presents open...check!
Off to see the cousins!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sitting With a Friend.....

I went to sit with a friend today. My friend is fighting breast cancer. She has been a friend for a very long time but for 10 years by some strange quirk of fate she also became my boss. I love this lady dearly. She has a kind and caring heart and working for her was as much a privilege as being her friend.

To relieve her family of some of the strain of sitting for three hour chemo sessions, I told her I would love to come take a turn being with her. I though it was the right thing to do. It turns out that she did me a favor by allowing me to be there with her.

To witness first hand the whole process of fighting the terrible disease we call cancer was eye opening and more than enlightening. A three hour drip of pure poison to kill the dreaded cells takes a toll on even the strongest person. The elderly and the children were there. Each patient responds differently. Some sit quietly with their eyes closed. Others read, play on an electronic device, or visit with a loved one or friend. I know all learn to pray. I guess faith and the love of family is what makes you fight the battle and believe you are going to win. You have to have hope or you may as well stay home.

We all have baggage. Some is more visible than others but none of us make it through life without some cross to bear. Maybe we get to busy to notice the pain that a friend is feeling. Maybe we think we are immune, that tragedy only falls in the lap of someone else. I know that tonight my mind is still back in that room with my friend and the many other patients who went home today to pray. The effects of that terrible drug will be felt tomorrow but like Susie said "that is only a sign that it is working". I admire her strength. Most of all, I admire the fact that she believes with all of her heart that she will win and that is the biggest part of the battle.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ode To The Mailman....

Think in terms of the song "Oh Christmas Tree"
Oh mailman, Oh mailman,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Oh mailman, Oh mailman,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
For every year at Christmas time,
Your bring cards to me from friends of mine!
Oh mailman, Oh mailman
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
The parcel man stops by here too,
With packages for me and you!
Oh parcel man, Oh parcel man.
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
When Christmas Day comes to an end,
I'll miss seeing you come 'round the bend!
Oh mailman, Oh parcel man,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!!!

Okay, yes that is pretty sad. I obviously have too much time on my hands this season!!! Never having an entire season free I have found myself with everything finished way in advance of the approaching festivites so I am sitting here writing a very lame song.

But, the truth is I do LOVE the mail and packages this time of year. Friends with messages from the past twelve months, pictures of growing families, and the UPS man with all of my online orders make every day exciting. I never know what is going to arrive. I was lucky enough to catch the delivery man today and send him off with a bag of cookies. His season is surely hectic and someone should share some Christmas cheer!!!

I wish the other eleven months of the year brought such joy when I headed to the mailbox. Maybe we should all send more "snail mail' and keep the U.S. post office from going bankrupt and make someone happy when they check the mail in March!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just Old Friends.....

I really think this has been one of my favorite Christmas seasons. Okay the ones "back in the day" when the kids were at home will always be at the top of the list, but somehow this Christmas has been special. Maybe it is the free time I have had, maybe the realization that I am a senior citizen and am on the downhill side of life, or maybe just because I have found value in enjoying every moment. I have always sat on the optimist side of the fence but I used to always be in a hurry. Just don't want to rush the days anymore...I know the importance of hanging on to each one.
So, it was off to "brunch" with another group of old friends. Today was my old coworkers who are now in retirement mode with me. We lunch monthly and share and reminisce and laugh. This month was special. We dined at Sandy's beautiful house. One of the first giveaways that they are passionate LSU Tiger fans is her totally purple and gold tree with only like colored wrapping paper underneath!
The food was fantastic and the opportunity to be in no hurry at all to finish was even better.
I know I have said this all year long, but I am so very blessed. I have been given the chance to remain in the same neighborhood for over 32 years. You collect things when you stay put and one of my favorite collections are my friends. I know especially now what a gift they all are. I love my family above all else. Nothing can replace that......but I also know that when God has thrown me some curve balls and I have had to look for strength, those lifelong friends have been a source of unending support.

Maybe I have been on the mushy end of reminiscing lately. We are close to the end of this season which is my favorite time of the year and I don't want to forget. I don't want to forget the joy I have found in every day of December...and maybe if I reread all of this periodically I will keep a little bit of it in my heart until this time next year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Joy of Grandkids....

There is a nostalgic joy in celebrating Christmas with grandkids. It was certainly the one time of the year that Jimmy and I got totally into the spirit the season with our four kids.
It was breakfast with Santa, tours to enjoy the Christmas lights, decorating, and baking. It was neighborhood yard decor and a street full of Christmas competition for the brightest house. It was family fun. And there was always that trip home from church on Christmas Eve where we looked for the red Rudolph light in the sky (really the flashing lights on the front of a passenger plane) that would confirm that we better hurry home and head to bed.....Santa was in the area!
Jimmy and I loved it...but so did the grandparents. There was a special night each season when they would take the kids...(all four of them) to see Scrooge at Northpark Mall and allow me time to wrap up my shopping! A win/win for the family.
Now it is our turn and I know now that grandparents get more out of that "special night" than the kids do. It is a reminder of the wonder we saw in our own children's eyes when they witnessed the sights and sounds of the holiday. An evening at the Gaylord was our version of Brooklynn's night out with the grandparents.
And to end a perfect outing...a little breakfast with Santa Shubzda style!!!!!
Joy and memories to last us until this time next year!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Thoughts....

All I Need To Know About Christmas I Learned From Santa Claus*Encourage people to believe in you
*Always remember who's naughty and who's nice
*Don't pout
*It's as much fun to give as to receive
*Some days it's okay to feel a little chubby
*Make your presents know
*Always ask for a little more than you really want
*Bright red can make anyone look good
*Wear a wide belt and know one will notice how many pounds you've gained
*If you only show up once a year everyone will think you are very important

No...not my original sentiments but thoughts from a Christmas card I received many years ago. It is framed and part of my decor every year and always makes me laugh!

I am hosting my own Christmas wrapping party this morning complete with appropriate music, a cup of Golden Eggnog coffee (hmmm..don't even drink coffee but it sounded like the thing to do), and the end of the gifts that need paper and bows. I am calling it a great morning and my intent is to "wrap it up" (no pun intended) and just enjoy this final week before all of this preparation comes to an end with Santa's arrival.

And FYI, the majority of my gifts will have paper and bows. I guilted myself into dispensing with most of the gifts bags after I heard Jimmy Kimmell say that gift bags instead of wrapping paper at Christmas was like attending a wedding in sweatpants instead of a tux. Not sure that is a valid comparison but I am going with the sentiment and wasting many trees here this morning!

In the spirit of sharing this time with family and friends...with this mission accomplished, I am off to a party!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Countdown Is On!......

Time to put my serious hat on. Thirteen days to go and so many loose ends to tie up. Wrapping paper out of the attic, scotch tape located, and a closet full of presents to attack!
Last minute gifts and stocking stuffers to buy...and
cookies to bake. That is my favorite part!!!
Almost Christmas, bring it on!!!!!