To relieve her family of some of the strain of sitting for three hour chemo sessions, I told her I would love to come take a turn being with her. I though it was the right thing to do. It turns out that she did me a favor by allowing me to be there with her.
To witness first hand the whole process of fighting the terrible disease we call cancer was eye opening and more than enlightening. A three hour drip of pure poison to kill the dreaded cells takes a toll on even the strongest person. The elderly and the children were there. Each patient responds differently. Some sit quietly with their eyes closed. Others read, play on an electronic device, or visit with a loved one or friend. I know all learn to pray. I guess faith and the love of family is what makes you fight the battle and believe you are going to win. You have to have hope or you may as well stay home.
We all have baggage. Some is more visible than others but none of us make it through life without some cross to bear. Maybe we get to busy to notice the pain that a friend is feeling. Maybe we think we are immune, that tragedy only falls in the lap of someone else. I know that tonight my mind is still back in that room with my friend and the many other patients who went home today to pray. The effects of that terrible drug will be felt tomorrow but like Susie said "that is only a sign that it is working". I admire her strength. Most of all, I admire the fact that she believes with all of her heart that she will win and that is the biggest part of the battle.
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