Schools are closed once again. In my 23 years with GISD I am not sure I remember two consecutive days of no school and I am not sure things will be better tomorrow.
It is cold...brutally cold! We encountered wind chills last night of -10 degrees. That is almost unheard of in our part of the country. It is the kind of cold that hurts. The poor dogs do not even want to venture out and I am not going with them. It is hard to even open the door for them without letting in miserable gusts of frigid air. We have not checked the mail or picked up a is not worth the walk to the curb!
We are now under mandatory rolling power outages. Fifteen minutes periodically of no electricity in order to keep up with the demand. It is surprising how quickly the house gets cold in a mere 15 minutes. Then the heater is working overtime to catch up when it does come back on...a vicious cycle.
So we are hunkered down again today. I don't really mind. Yesterday was nice...caught up on some much needed chores, ate a lot, and took a two hour nap! When do you get a chance to spend a day like that...totally guilt free! I have a list for today and a full pantry so as long as we have electricity I can accomplish much...and maybe catch another nap! That cannot be all bad!
The drawback to all of this...the Superbowl Committee is a bit frustrated. Thousands and thousands of out of town visitors and a metroplex that is not moving. Even our visitors from Pittsburg and Green Bay who live in the land of the deep freeze are staying in. The restaurants are not getting the expected rush of customers and all of the outdoor media tents are empty. Jerry Jones is not having the heyday he anticipated...oh dear!
So years from now when someone asks if I remember the great freeze of 2011 I can look back at my blog and say "oh, yes, I remember it clearly" because I have it recorded on paper!
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