My youngest sister-in-law turned 50 this week. We celebrated on Easter. Yes, she looks great.... like better than great! Fifty is not what it used to be. You know the cliche...50 is the new 40?? Well, being well over 50 I tend to agree. It is not over the hill. It is just being able to see what is what is on the other side of that hill. Since I hit that milestone many years ago I have to say that I do not want to go back and start that journey all over again.

Over reheating casseroles and setting the table the elder women in the family hashed out the positives and negatives of turning this corner. Yes, there are many more gray hairs, hot flashes, aching joints, and wrinkles, and the inevitable realization that you cannot remember anything.. but, there are also the the perks that make up for all of the downside.
Fifty brings on a new sense of confidence, a sense of freedom, and a contentment with life. We are passed soccer car pools and swim lessons. It is time to slow down but most of us don't. We can reconnect with friends and discuss anti-aging strategies. We can look at all of the bedraggled moms with three kids in tow and be glad we have been there and done that. We can look forward to and enjoy
grandkids but know that they are not a 24/7
responsibility. They are a gift to be sent home at bedtime!

I have mellowed. I smile more. I worry less. I am grateful for the years behind and the years ahead. So...Judy, quit fighting the inevitable and take from those older and wiser...
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