Saturday, May 21, 2011

Almost Goodbye.....

My head right now is in so many places and the emotion in my heart is running all over the map. I am almost there...the end. In four more class days I will close my door forever. I know that and I want that, but today made me realize that I am leaving a lot more behind than the textbooks that I will pass on the the next teacher.
We had our AVID Fun Friday end of the year celebration. It was fun, it was emotional, and it was final. I have never taught a group of kids for a year before. I have had one semester courses. I loved those kids but these kids have become mine. I know them. I have shared with them this year...the loss of a parent, the loss of one of their brothers, family dysfunction, failures, and successes. I know them. I can read what kind of day they are having in their faces. We are family and I am their AVID Mama. This is different than a regular classroom. You have to know that when you take on this assignment and this year has certainly impacted me.
I have watched an out of control little chubby boy, who surely came to me from kindergarten, actually mature and take on some responsibility. I have watched a girl from three different foster homes in one year develop enough confidence to try out for cheerleader. I have seen successes and failures and we have shared these as a family would. It was one of the greatest experiences in my teaching career.
This year has been intense and demanding. My part time job was nothing close to part time...unless you consider the paycheck (yes, there was only half going on there!!) But it was the perfect thing to experience before I walked away.
I learned and grew as much as the kids did and I am leaving a much better and understanding person. I realize how many gifts I have and how little some kids have...but they move forward, everyday looking a little bit brighter.

I have made friends. There are students I will remember forever. It has always been my goal to walk away BEFORE the word on the street is "oh man, it is time for that teacher to go!" and believe me the kids know when a teacher is past her prime!!!! I sent them off with a letter. I hope someday they find it and remember that this year was special for all of us.

As I Say Goodbye

I wanted to leave you with some thoughts before I leave you. It was never my intent to make this a one year job. After all my years of teaching, I thought I would take this coveted position as your AVID elective teacher and be with you here at North for the next four years. God, however, had different plans for me. I am leaving this year to devote time and attention to another part of my life. I am looking forward to what is ahead but I am very sad for what I am leaving behind…my precious students.
Know that this year has been one of the most special and challenging years of my career. Sometimes I was learning right along with you. I had all of the basics , but I had to learn some of the essentials of leading an AVID classroom. The most important thing I learned was how special each and everyone of you all are. You are different, unique people, each with characteristics that made you special to me. I will remember each of you fondly many years from now because from each of you I learned a lesson. I learned that you all are fighters. Some of you have struggled through more in your short life than many people will ever face. You have strength that is unbelievable. Always use that strength to conquer the roadblocks that lie ahead. You can do it. You just have to believe you can.
Always want to learn. Even when your formal education is over challenge yourself to do something new. Learn to paint, take a photography class, try a new sport, read a novel for pleasure…make education a lifelong adventure. I must have had a good teacher somewhere along the way because even today I find pleasure in learning. My job was a new adventure. I could have spent the last years before retirement in a very easy teaching assignment that had been my comfort zone for years but new things make you grow and I was ready to grow in a new direction. I will never regret my decision because with a job change came the opportunity to work with some of the most incredible kids I have ever met…YOU!

As you move forward remember these things……

Follow your heart
Be careful what you say

Learn to keep a secret
Take risks
Make and keep good friends
Work hard
Be positive
Live passionately

Be thankful
Let grudges and anger go
Enjoy music
Sometimes take the harder path

Challenge yourself
Have fun
Give your time and talent to help someone else

Most important…remember your Freshman AVID teacher! Go fulfill your destiny!
I will miss you!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE what you wrote to them! especially the list part. i know you were special to them as well...they will miss you!!
