To be exposed to the thrill of cotton fabric and enjoy a great sale!!!
With Mandy and Brooklynn in tow I headed to SUZY'S to spend some $$ at the Annual Birthday sale. I look forward to this every summer just about as much as I look forward to going to the lake!!! The touch, the feel of cotton...nothing like it!!
This was what I hope will be the first of many trips to the quilt store for Brooklynn and I. You are never too young to learn the value of a fat quarter.

And every young lady should know that a quilting safety pin is much different that a regular safety pin so off to that section of the store we went for lessons on the notions.

Hmmmm....a Jelly Roll??? Really? This does not look anything like jelly to me!
Oh, but a Jelly Roll is Gramma's favorite so hands on experience with the actual thing is the best teacher!!
Sewing is therapy for me. Putting together tiny scraps of material that turn into a work of art makes me smile. It is permanent. It is something that lasts. So many things are used and discarded easily but not a quilt.
Maybe someday when life is hectic Brooklynn will find pleasure in escaping with some fabric and a sewing machine....and if she doesn't she will still remember that we shopped together!
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