She amazes me. I have followed her for quite awhile. I am not sure how I got hooked but I did. She epitomizes the perfect female to me. I think she must get up every morning and put on a superman cape. I know there are no phone booths in her neck of the woods, but if there were, she would probably enter each morning and emerge as mega woman.
She does everything I love and does it well. She writes an amazing blog, she is a self taught photographer, and she cooks meals that are what I would love to put on my table. Then in her spare time she home schools her kids. The trade off here is that I have never had a desire to attempt home school so I will just spend that part of her day at the sewing machine.
I love the busyness of her life. I am not good at sitting. I love her commitment to family and her drive to accomplish. She is my idol...but I keep reminding myself
"Though shalt not covet thy neighbors life"