It was the Achievement Center's summer celebration. Sara has been part of the staff there for about 7 years. She LOVES her job and each summer as we watch these special children perform, I surely know why.
All the students at this day care center are disabled. Some much more severely than others. But on this night they all perform and the degree of pride they show in their talents is unbelievable. They are special...but not just because they fit in that "special needs' category but because their spirit is incredible.

It is very hard not to be totally emotional as you watch these kids. In fact, I quit trying to hold back the tears while they each stood on stage and sang and beamed with pride.

I am not sure these kids even know they are different. They are happy...completely happy. They find joy in being together and delight in the applause they
receive for displaying their talents.

Sara is blessed. She has found a place to work where she sees and realizes the struggles some people face. That is what gives her so much pleasure. She shares a part of herself with these kids each day and LOVES it. And she comes home grateful for all the gifts she has....and I know each day that Sara is our gift.
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