I remember growing up I would do something and think "Oh my gosh, I am becoming my mother". That is back when it was not at all cool to be a clone of the one that birthed you. In my years as a young adult, I would be a bit sad that I was not more like my mom. She cooked wonderful meals, I did not. I am a baker. My mom joined with her friends monthly to play bridge. I am a sworn "BUNKO" player the second Wednesday of each month. Mom spent her idle time with a needle and thread and a bowl of sequins, creating glorious Christmas stockings and table runners. Sorry, not for me. Give me piles of cotton and I am in fabric and sewing heaven. Mom never went to bed with a dirty kitchen. Not here. Sadly, dishes sitting in the sink over night are commonplace. I am probably reading facebook waiting for them to jump in the dishwasher by themselves. My mom loved to travel.... not me. Seventy two miles down the road to the lake is far enough for me. I need to be around my surroundings. That is my comfort zone.
But, today it happened. I was in Kroger this late October afternoon when I realized I had morphed into mom. There I was on this cool fall day in shorts, a sleeveless shirt, and flip flops...yep, my mom! I think the only time I ever saw mom in something with sleeves was when it snowed...and shorts pretty much year round! Ruffles...about 90 percent of the clothes in my closet are embellished with a ruffle of some sort. Came by it honestly...an inherited trait. Just like my mom. And another thing...driving the car. I have about a twelve mile comfort zone when I pilot an automobile. Just DO NOT like to drive. Wonder where that came from? Once again, my mom. When she passed away she had a six year old car with about 10,000 miles on it. To church and back, and the grocery store if she had too. Yes, that is me.
So I guess when we least expect it we realize that we do inherit some of the habits of our folks. Just hope I pass on something that my children appreciate and I doubt that will be a passion for ruffles!
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