This is it. It is the end of another year. 2011 is just hours away from being over and it has been as always...fleeting. I so clearly remember wearing the "2000" glasses as we toasted in a new century and waited for the dire predictions of Y2K...armed with water bottles and flashlight batteries. That was 12 years ago. In another 12 years it will be 2024. I am too tired to figure out how old I will be then but I will be well past my prime!
This has been a GREAT year. Too much to recap but nothing but good in the 12 months that have passed. One of the highlights is my new found freedom. As sad as I thought I would be without a job the thought of starting another semester on Monday right now would make me need lots of Zanax!
This has been a GREAT year. Too much to recap but nothing but good in the 12 months that have passed. One of the highlights is my new found freedom. As sad as I thought I would be without a job the thought of starting another semester on Monday right now would make me need lots of Zanax!
I am happy. My children think I am old and forgetful and repetitive but all of that equals joyful. There are things I do not need to remember and I really do not care if I tell a story 5 times. I must think it is entertaining or I would not have even told it once. I am less stressed about having everything taking down the two Christmas trees that still stand in my house that would have been packed up the day after Christmas before. There is always tomorrow. And if I do not make it till tomorrow then my kids can take care of that for me!
I am excited about all that lies ahead. My kids are happy and that is about as good as it gets. So tonight as we roll over into a whole new year I will celebrate the blessings of 2011 and tomorrow I will anticipate what the future holds and I am looking for nothing but good in 2012.
"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
T.S. Elliott