My heart is heavy today. My cousin passed away last night. We knew this was coming. He battled harder and lasted much longer than doctors ever expected, but it was inevitable. The cancer was far too serious when he was diagnosed. The knowing does not take away the
sadness of finding out that it is finally over for him. He is fine...he is where we all hope to be one day. He is reunited with loved ones and sitting in the glory of God's heavens. I wonder so often what this will be like.
For today I am both sad yet so grateful. I was blessed to be able to have several really great conversations with Rich before he died. We talk about what bonded us together..."yes, Richard, I did drop gum into Grandma's tuna casserole". And that was a very long time ago so it is okay if we put that in the past!
But that is why we are family...because we do have those memories of the time we spent together.
I loved the hours I spent at my grandparents with cousins, though they were far too few.
Great memories:
The Folgers coffee can that served as the upstairs bathroom,
Watching my grandpa roll his cigarettes and having ice cream sodas,
The raspberry candies that were grandpas favorite,
Grandmas front porch...and Ray the bread man,
The apricot tree,
The garage that really was not a garage at all,
The house key that hung on a nail on the porch because no one would ever break in...so why even lock it,
Getting to spend the night at Bea and Jeannie's because grandmas house was too full,
Uncle Andy and the piano,
The brass bed that squeaked when you jumped on it,
Christmas time...mom, why did you wrap up a bra and girdle...REALLY?
Snow on Christmas Eve...and midnight mass because now you were old enough.
All of that in turn molds us into who we are today. We are our past and I am blessed to have a strong family that gave me connections and values.
God bless you Richard...and thank you for sharing your hearty laugh and invincible spirit. You will truly be missed by all.