If you are not a Texan you will not be able to relate to this story, but if you are you will probably wonder how I could go 40 years without shopping at Canton's First Monday extravaganza. Canton is the granddaddy of all flea markets. It is 160 acres and 7000 vendors huge! I was there in 1972 with Jimmy and some good friends. I really don't remember it....but I know it was not the Canton of today, that is for sure.

Rather than remain a stranger to this shoppers paradise, Sara and I set out from the lake last weekend to take part in what is supposedly the experience of a lifetime. I had my GPS set for the 35 mile trek, not too hard a journey for someone who does not drive anywhere. Straight down 198, turn right on Tyler street...there you are. We did it. Found our destination pulled into a parking lot and paid $5 along with half of the residents of Texas. We followed the masses through a large gate and into a maze of large buildings and outdoor vendors selling everything you can imagine from livestock to priceless antiques.

Sara was in heaven. The jewelry, shoes, and hats called her name from every direction. Since we had not brought along a shopping cart or wagon as had all of the other shoppers we kept our purchases small. A hat, some hair accessories, and a wooden cross to paint. Lunch on the sidewalk, a few more buildings to tour and I was ready to exit the crowds of adults, children and family pets (they forgot to tell me that if you went to Canton you should take your dog along)!

So we walked in what seemed to be a
familiar direction...or not. And then we walked some more...into nothing I even
vaguely recognized. Oh, help me now. No one I asked seemed to know where the gate was, except one nice person who rented out electric
buggys. "Sure I can help you if you can tell me what gate you came in"....like there is more than one gate????
OMG! Now what??!! I could not
remember what surrounded our entrance. I could not visualize any landmarks, I had no idea the name of the street we parked on. PANIC!!!!

To keep this tale as short as possible let me just say we did make it out and wandered downtown for some time before Sara found the gas station where we made a pit stop before starting our adventure. One more bathroom break and the car was located...on our way home!!!
Anxious to show her dad her purchases she went to retrieve her bag from the car......or not. Hmmm, seems that mom left the bag in the bathroom at the gas station so we made it home totally empty handed. Well, that just made my day, thank you!
Tips for the next time I attack Canton.
Get a map at the front gate
Note the number of the gate you enter
Bring a two way radio, cell phone reception is bad (really?)
Use a fanny pack so you don't loose your purse
Bring a magnifying glass and magnet to make sure the metal is real (an actual online tip)
If you want it, buy it when you see it..you may never be able to find your way back to the vendor who had it again
Or maybe just buy it online and skip this adventure all together!
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