Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Project Overload....
I have become a woman on overload...a human possessed so to speak. I am sure I have mentioned the fact that I have retired over fifty times in various posts and conversations and I blame that state of being for my absolute overloaded mind. If you think I am only sitting in a lawn chair watching my birds feed...not so! I am attacking everything that I have wished I had time to do and more lately. Result...NOTHING accomplished!
I am totally feeling like I have adult ADD, or maybe ADHD...the hyperactivity part being the most prevalent. I have piles on top of piles of unfinished sewing projects. I have started planning for our lake party. The lake party stuff is on top of about 20 scholarship applications that are in the process of being reviewed.
I can cut and paste, sew a seam, plant some of the flowers that are still the their original containers, or read a photo book.
The problem is...I complete nothing! Seriously...nothing. I have more than 20 partially done things. And...I keep adding to that list.
I also decided it would be wise to work three days last week to help fund all of these projects. Actually that was not bad. Once again I caught up on all of the current trends. I did not know that April 20 was National Smoke Pot Day, that there were three stages of sagging...beginner, intermediate and advanced. The student that explained this to me was in the seriously advanced stage. I am so not believing that this trend has hung on this long. I say lets all go back to the tight roll jean that my kids loved in high school. At least your pants stayed up and I was not looking at your underware. I found out that the kids are contributing way too much money to the March of Dimes to hear Justin Beiber played on the intercom and that I want GREASE back! And I learned that I always can find humor in watching teenagers interact.
So my goal this week is to finish something....anything!
I know I can!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
For The Birds......

I know this is a bit off the beaten path. As of late all of my pictures seem to capture the same of my two precious grandbabies. I do, however, have several other things I have become passionate about since I retired. One of those things is birds. I cannot pinpoint where this extreme interest came from but possibly it was naturally inherited since my dad also spent many a day tending his bird houses.
I am also sure that if you know me very well that you know that I do not ever do much halfheartedly. I am either fully on board and a bit obsessive or I am not in it at all. There is no mid point in my enthusiasm for ANYTHING.
So, I went on a bird fact finding mission. I bought many bird feeders and more than a half a dozen different kinds of food. I know that the birds rely on the same basics as, water, and shelter. Yes, I had all three. I did not invest in a bird bath because in case you do not know it, a bird much prefers to cool himself in a kitchen skillet. Please do some research if you do not believe me!
I realized one morning while on the phone with a friend that my passion must have paid off because not only were birds gathering, one actually flew right into my back door and landed on my dining room chandelier. Oh yes, and not just once but twice. Any one else might just shut their back door but it took me awhile to snap on the source of the problem.
This friendly bird had nested in the planter on my patio and hatched four little babies. A maternal instinct hit me immediately. Watching and protecting them became my mission. I even had to fend off the desire of my husband to dispose of the nest....NOT HAPPENING!
Then magically one morning as I stood watching, the momma bird led the babies out of the nest and into the world. They hopped about a bit and then flew. They had developed their wings. They were gone. Sadly, birds do not return to their nest. I am hopeful that they are strong and can survive on their own. The mom has come back to feed but no sign of the babies. And, yes, I do recognize her. She hung out in my kitchen, remember?
So, naturally, I wonder...does that momma bird struggle with the empty nest syndrome?
I am hopeful that someday another momma will find my yard inviting and build a nest.
In my thoughtful mood, I realized that I am very glad that my little baby chicks do choose to check in at our nest occasionally. I would be terribly sad if they didn't
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Easter In Pictures....

This post comes mostly in the form of pictures...because I have so many and it is my way of recording and remembering the day.

I love is egg hunts, chocolate bunnies, pastel colors and once!
We are adding to our family once again. Chase and Debbie (with niece Peyton) came to our gathering with a big Wheeler due October 8. Another life to celebrate, another cousin on the way!
Finley and Gramps enjoying time out for a little nourishment.
The cousins that used to be the babies are now handing over their spot in the family hierarchy to new little ones. And that is the way a family grows.

Time to ditch the ruffles for some "comfy clothes" and head out to see what the Easter bunny left in the yard. And for a child whose sugar intake is carefully monitored, this is the treat of a lifetime!
A basketful is the result of having NO competition for grabbing the eggs...but just wait till next year! I think the competition will be fierce!
I love our tradition of gathering on Saturday. It started when the kids were in college and had to head back early on Sunday. It is a relaxed, not rushed, easy kind of day. It allows everyone to celebrate in the own way on Sunday. Easter is a special time. It is the beginning of a new season, the weather is perfect, the flowers are beginning to bloom, and Christians remember the death of Christ and on Easter his rising again. Our church service on Sunday was beautiful and with the renewing of our baptismal promise, a part of the celebration, it gives us all a day to start over with all of our past transgressions forgiven. That is the gift Christ gave us.
It was just a perfect weekend.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Other Family.....
Good Friday we made a pilgrimage...along with everyone east of Highway 75 to sit in another bluebonnet patch. Little did I know that Friday afternoon would bring everyone out of the woodwork to wander through the flowers.
It was the perfect sunny day and I had the perfect subjects...though sometimes a little bit distracted subjects. Two hundred and eighty two pictures later we did manage to come up with some that had all of the family looking in the same direction. Makes you love a digital camera!
It also makes me love looking forward to cataloging every year of growth in the bluebonnet patch. It is a Texas tradition!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Really Don't Know Why....

I am a confirmed news junkie. I would rather be tuned in to World News tonight than the Food Network. Yes, I do catch American Idol and the Bachelor but I really prefer news. I love it when I can one up my husband on any news story be it sports related or just general info. Yesterday I caught a blerp on the news. They did a nationwide poll on what people thought the best age was. If you could be one age forever what would you pick? Bear in mind that your age comes with all disabilities, aches, pains and problems associated with that magic number. The winner....33! Really? Why?
I worked today, so while dining with some of my favorite people I brought up the news report. So, what was your favorite unison they all replied NOT 33! There were varied opinions but no one wanted to return to there.
Personally, I am at that perfect age right now. I would indeed stay here forever. Do not misunderstand me...I have an artificial knee and I probably need another one, my legs are a disgusting mess full of varicose veins, bruises and bumps. I have hands that are very arthritic and are more than unsightly. My neck hurts all of the time and I am grossly overweight. Well, why would I want to stay here then? Because I am happier now than I have ever been. There were great moments along the way...babies, graduations, celebrating all my families successes....but this is the best. I have memories of all the things that brought me to where I am now. We were thrown curve balls and survived together. I am stronger, more sympathetic and have a much stronger faith because of the road I traveled for sixty three years. But now I have lived all of that and I am retired! I am experiencing the ultimate FREEDOM. But....I can still work. I loved my job. I was a good, no great teacher. I can go back. I can sit in the classroom at will and enjoy the kids that I love so much. I can play with my grandbabies any time I want, and that is very often. I can sleep late and sit on the porch with my coffee if I want. I really can do just about ANYTHING I want, any time I want and I am not struggling anymore. I do not have debts. My kids are educated, our house is not paid for but it is manageable. We have a lake house that we worked very hard to get and now we can enjoy it. I can play with my friends and talk about grandkids and just laugh. In my mind it just does not get much better than this.
So to all of those young people that think they are so happy at 33....rejoice, there are really much better years ahead!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
When the Sirens Blow....

Spring storms in Texas are the norm but when the stores, schools, and businesses are locked down while sirens blare, you know it is time to take cover. The news coverage of a grandmother holding on to the legs of her grandbaby while her house blew apart hit too close to home. Thank God for no lives lost today. Tonight we thank God for being spared the destruction of tornadoes and for healing for all that were touched today by the wrath of nature.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
When In Texas....
Pull off of the highway with your dog and sit in the bluebonnets!
Sara and I made unplanned, impromptu stop to join half of the metroplex that had cameras and children running though fields of flowers that are in full bloom right now. You know that it has to be big when so many Texas are willing to park by the side of the highway to frolic in the flowers!
I never miss a chance to take advantage of what is beautiful and nothing beats the bluebonnet for a great backdrop. Thanks Sara and Max for being good sports!!!
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