I am a confirmed news junkie. I would rather be tuned in to World News tonight than the Food Network. Yes, I do catch American Idol and the Bachelor but I really prefer news. I love it when I can one up my husband on any news story be it sports related or just general info. Yesterday I caught a blerp on the news. They did a nationwide poll on what people thought the best age was. If you could be one age forever what would you pick? Bear in mind that your age comes with all disabilities, aches, pains and problems associated with that magic number. The winner....33! Really? Why?
I worked today, so while dining with some of my favorite people I brought up the news report. So, what was your favorite age...in unison they all replied NOT 33! There were varied opinions but no one wanted to return to there.
Personally, I am at that perfect age right now. I would indeed stay here forever. Do not misunderstand me...I have an artificial knee and I probably need another one, my legs are a disgusting mess full of varicose veins, bruises and bumps. I have hands that are very arthritic and are more than unsightly. My neck hurts all of the time and I am grossly overweight. Well, why would I want to stay here then? Because I am happier now than I have ever been. There were great moments along the way...babies, graduations, celebrating all my families successes....but this is the best. I have memories of all the things that brought me to where I am now. We were thrown curve balls and survived together. I am stronger, more sympathetic and have a much stronger faith because of the road I traveled for sixty three years. But now I have lived all of that and I am retired! I am experiencing the ultimate FREEDOM. But....I can still work. I loved my job. I was a good, no great teacher. I can go back. I can sit in the classroom at will and enjoy the kids that I love so much. I can play with my grandbabies any time I want, and that is very often. I can sleep late and sit on the porch with my coffee if I want. I really can do just about ANYTHING I want, any time I want and I am not struggling anymore. I do not have debts. My kids are educated, our house is not paid for but it is manageable. We have a lake house that we worked very hard to get and now we can enjoy it. I can play with my friends and talk about grandkids and just laugh. In my mind it just does not get much better than this.
So to all of those young people that think they are so happy at 33....rejoice, there are really much better years ahead!!!
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