Monday, May 28, 2012

There Simply Are No Words......

I will simply say that this was the most amazing Memorial Day weekend ever.  I have done the lake, cookouts, and all of the traditional beginning of summer activitites.  But, nothing left me with a sense of peace and pride like watching my family support Drew as he took on "Carry the Load".
The event honored military, police, and firefighters who are responsible for the peace and freedom we have each and everyday.  Last year Drew mentally committed to participating in the 20 hour 12 minute event, and carrying a load of 20 pounds....and that is exactly what he did, with a sense of purpose that I have never quite seen in him.

With months of training and the enormous backing of his employeer he began......

He carried not only the memory of Matt but also one of Matt's best friends and the father of his boss.

A precious 72 year old woman joined the thousand other participants and walked the 20 hours without stopping...and she was only one of the stories that took your breathe away.
I was proud in a way there are no words for as he, along with the founder of the event, crossed the finish line at noon on Memorial Day. 
I thought my heart would explode with pride.

I have one incredible family!!

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