Total Panic!
What Now????
The unthinkable happened yesterday. I had a substitute job (another post altogether) and since my phone was not charged the night before I took my charger cord to work with me. Goodness only knows a day at work without being connected would be wrong. Breaks without checking Facebook, lunch time without access to email and phone messages would surely leave me lost. Ahhh...not to worry, I can stay plugged in for the workday and not miss a beat!
But...I discovered when I arrived home that I was minus my lifeline. I had left the charger cord on the teachers desk at work! Holy cow. Herein lies the problem. I have a new iphone 5. The phone cord is a new design and there are no others that will work with the phone. Panic again...simply solved by calling AT&T to purchase another until the building is again opened on Tuesday. Well thank you Apple for being service friendly and not providing distributors with additional cords. Ten phone calls and all bad news from everyone. NO ONE including Apple has replacement charger cords.
Do you have any idea the terror that sets in when you are faced with being disconnected for three days???? Are we so dependent on our phone that the thought of life without them can literally cause someone to hyperventilate? I can give up my addiction to Bejeweled Blitz possibly, but just total disconnect otherwise is just not anything I can wrap my mind around.
What to do???? PRAY. Seriously. God is my go to man always. Lost car keys, missing camera, AWOL Master Card, and locked up charger cord..."Can you please help me God because I am in a panic and do not know what to do!" And you know what??.....the Robotics coach was at school this morning and he opened the door. I now have my lifeline to communication back. It made me wonder what would happen if I ever lost God in my life. I would be panicked. I would be lost. I don't just need Him to find my car keys, but prayer is a regular part of everyday. I am not going to become all preachy here because my faith is pretty personal, but again I realize how dependent I am and how lost I would be if I did not have that lifeline to God.
I also had a heart to heart with myself this morning on the way back from retrieving my phone cord. I think I am a bit too dependent on technology. Maybe I need to spend a little more time connected to something a little healthier...like time with my family without the distraction of Words with Friends. Maybe dinner time without a phone sitting on the table "just in case". I am going to try!
Lesson Learned...thanks to a lost phone cord.