Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21st.......

Here are the FACTS Folks!!!!
It is the first day of summer.
I know we all consider Memorial Day weekend the start of summer, but those that dictate the official calendar say this is it....summer has begun.  I can attest to the fact that this is true!!!  I am suffering from "it is almost too hot to go outside syndrome" already.
It is also the longest day of the year.  It is the day with the most daylight.  From here on out the days will gradually get shorter.  According to the local weatherman, tonight is the night the moon will be the brightest moon of the year since it is a full moon and closer to the earth than any other one of the 365 days in the year.  Be on watch for erratic and unusual behavior, the norm around here daily!
It is National Flip Flop Day.  That is a day that I celebrate most everyday, but it is only official today.  It is a day that encourages everyone to "free your feet".  Just go ahead and let your toes loose.  I stood in my closet this morning totally jubilant because not only are flip flops the mainstay of my wardrobe, I also have boxes of Yellow Box sandals to pick from.  I do not ever want anyone to think my heart is not in the right place when it comes to celebrating a great American holiday.
I love summer in spite of the heat and because of flip flops. 
 I loved summer when I was a kid.  It meant bike rides to the pool and playing in the backyard.  There were not a million scheduled was just freedom to do whatever you wanted. 
 I loved summer when my kids were growing up.  The neighborhood was safe and it was okay to ride your big wheels up and down the street with a half a dozen kids who only reported in at lunch time.  It was legos on the patio, plastic pools in the yard, and creative play.  
I loved summer when I worked.  I was a teacher...enough said!
Summer should be a celebration of just being lazy...just being whatever you want, whenever you want.
What I will not be celebrating this summer is birds.  I had a fascination with them last summer.  I watched a nest of finches hatch on my patio.  I became personal friends with the cardinals that fed every night in my bird feeder.  NO MORE!  Sorry birds.  After the bout of West Nile virus that you brought my way last summer you will just have to dine somewhere else.  I know you were not directly responsible but sadly the water in all of the birdbaths attracted the mosquitoes and so for that reason "I am out"!  (Thanks Shark Tank!)
So as the day closes on the first day of summer, I am off to sit on the patio, have a glass of wine (really) with friends and celebrate the fact that IT IS summertime and the livin' is easy!!!

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