Exactly WHY would this be my subject matter today???
Because I am cleaning!
I am in purge mode...where I seem to spend a lot of time....and yet somehow the clutter and accumulation in my house never seems to be reduced. I am serious now. I am going to rid myself of what I do not need or will not need in the next five years.
Somehow I have a goal and so that brought me to this.
I have these pictures, which I run across every time I clean the cabinet above the computer.
I guess I have kept them for sentimental reasons, though I do not even know the name of the toga clad Tarzan I am partying with. Oh, he was my date, I just cannot remember who he was.
What I do know is my hair was BIG...really BIG!!
I also know that there was a period of my life when consuming alcohol every weekend was VERY high on my priority list.
This makes me laugh because my family, extended family, and my friends do not realize that the hairdo I have now can really get much bigger! I am sure that it has nothing to do with the fact that I live in Texas and you know the old adage that Texas women have big hair, right???
Heaven forbid that I should ever have run out of that pink and white can of Aqua Net. It was what held up that amazing do. I was a must on my list of college necessities.
I actually had a woman at church who worked an event with me recognize me by my hair. She sits behind me every week in mass and when she saw the back of my head she knew exactly who I was.
We should all strive to be recognized by the back of our head.
We should all strive to be recognized by the back of our head.
The bigger the hair, the closer to God...
I believe all things are cyclical so if my hair is not so much in style anymore, someday it will be again and I will be one up on the big hair curve!
Another pet peeve of my children...plastic plants. I think they are silk now, but they still have the same intrinsic ugliness. I did resolve to pare down the amount of fake ivy that adorns my home but I just seriously cannot do it. Nothing says warmth to me like fake greenery.
I am sure it is another sixties thing...like BIG hair, and that is why I am so attached.
Frank Sinatra keeps playing in my head...
"I gotta be me
I gotta be me"
I will never ever resort to botox or plastic surgery because wrinkles just do not bother me....
but a wig someday...maybe, because the thought of flat hair...NEVER!
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