Today is all about happy things!!
As of 11:51 this morning it is officially the first day of spring.
We really cannot depend on the weather to tell us this because the weather the last two months has been simply psychotic. We have a new and much overused phrase...POLAR VORTEX...that describes whatever the weathermen cannot otherwise describe when it comes to the various mood swings on our weather map.
BUT, today is beautiful as the first day of spring should be!
It is also International Happiness Day.
The United nations came up with this in 2012.
I think it is a bit weird that we have to have a day to tell people to be happy but if it works one day a year then I am all for it!
How can these faces not make a person happy???
Balls and bubbles are the things of smiles.
Yesterday we discovered that all of our bubbles contained their own rainbow.
No wonder bubbles make us happy!
Happiness is also knowing that the Bergeson part of our family will be back in Texas soon.
We miss them. Life seems incomplete without a Bergy fix!
The Bradford Pear trees are blooming and I am dragging out Easter decor....
just more things to smile about.
So, I did some research on things that can help us be happier not just on International Happiness Day.
* Be kind to yourself, wish yourself well every morning!
*Take in the good. Like really stop and enjoy the good things everyday.
*Read....things that cause you pleasure even if that is a cookbook!
*Be grateful, be curious, and laugh!
*Breathe....slowly. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths.
*Do one thing at a time and enjoy whatever that one thing is.
There were more but I liked these.
As I look over the list and think about it, I know that actually I am really happy. My life is GOOD. I find new things everyday that bring me joy. I decided when I turned 50 that it was a new phase of my life and I think it just keeps getting better. So much less to worry about now. Today I am smiling not because the UN says to, but because I can't find a reason not to. Maybe today would be a good day for Putin and Obama to get their happy on...
If you go to the store today buy your check out clerk a candy bar! Pick the one that looks the most stressed. Tell them the United Nations says "Be Happy Today"!!!
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