What an awesome way to start a birthday week!
Isn't it funny that no matter how much time goes by, a true friend is still a true friend. Last night I was blessed to spend three hours laughing, visiting. sharing, and just loving time with these special friends who have been part of my life for about 28 years.
The Silver Fox and true friends.....the best!
Ironically, in the church bulletin Sunday was an article on the mature adult (the socially correct word for the elderly). As I read it I thought they must be capturing words right out of my head....for what they wrote was exactly what I have been thinking with my 66th birthday approaching.
"Our chronological age is the most inaccurate measurement of our value, our accomplishments, and our spirit"
Well said Family Pulse Magazine!
"Development never stops, but only intensifies as people move through the years. We should see aging as a true gift. We have arrived at a place where a new vision of life emerges and we can live with passionate vigor. Aging is a progressive force designed by God to teach us to be more authentic. We can embrace it for all it has to offer and engage fully in the process. In saying "I am old" it is embracing the blessing that I am! I am alive and comfortable in my own skin. I am thankful".
The words above are pretty much straight out of the bulletin and exactly what I have been pondering for the last week. Aging is good. It is not frightening, for it is the happiest time in my life. I am enjoying friendships that had been neglected for too long. I am making new friends and loving what they are bringing into my life. I am finding places to use the talents that God gave me to serve others and the rewards are indescribable. I am eliminating the fluff that is not necessary and does not make me happy anymore. I know it is okay to fill my life with what pleases me and leave out things that are no longer gratifying. Yes I can say no without guilt and move on to where my heart is happiest.
I know now that my self esteem is not based on anyone's approval of me. If I know I am good with myself and God that is enough. Aging is freeing...if you allow it to be and I am accepting it with open arms.
I have another four or five days of celebration ahead before the big 66 arrives and I know I am blessed to have so many people to share this time with.
Aging is great...if you have the right perspective!
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