Saturday, January 31, 2015

Where I Am.....

It is the last day of January...a month gone by much too fast.  Once Christmas came down, presents were put away and normal life returned, there was a lull in enthusiasm :(
So on the last day I am thinking back on where my mind has been for this past month and as usual it is all over the map.  If RANDOM does not describe me then a word has not been invented that does!
 My thoughts tend to spend a lot of time back in France.  I am not sure I will ever come down off that high that was the ten days we toured that amazing country.  I can be vividly back in any place I want just by closing my eyes.  It is nice to when you continually run into your travel buddies at Mass on Sunday.  It is like you instantly share a moment you remember that makes you laugh.  It is a permanent bond of such a special trip.  It will forever be where I go in my mind on just about any day when I am looking for that total peace.
 I have been devouring books because in just five months another amazing journey is ahead of me.  This is one I really never imagined I would take.  The Holy Land seemed so out of reach for so many reasons.....but by God's grace I am going and with another wonderful group of fellow travelers.
I did not prepare well enough for France.  I wish I had read more beforehand, though we learned so much as we went.  This time I want to understand and I think I will.  Through my Bible study on Luke and this amazing book, the scriptures are beginning to have meaning.  They are not just words anymore.  I clearly understand the Beatitudes,  the meaning behind the parables, and oh so much that I had only seen as words on a page.  I am going to walk through the scriptures on the land where they were written and feel Jesus in every step.  This will be more than just a dream I never knew I had.
 On the lighter side, I have realized that I have been on a financial diet since Christmas, having overspent as I always do.  Suddenly the need to purchase something was overwhelming.  I am NOT a shopper.  I hate parking lots, driving, and lines in the stores....but I love AMAZON!
I also think I have a fondness for the brown UPS truck and the ever so cute driver that has our route.  
A few click of the button and surprises are on the way!
The best part is I never can remember what I ordered.  It is a continual repeat of Christmas on my front porch.
 Yesterday my favorite truck stopped and my two favorite girls were thrilled to help me unwrap what the bubble lined packages the first package another book of course!!!
And in box number two.....SHOES!!!!
I have found my shoe soul mate.  At 66 and after trying every brand on the market, I have become one with Ann Klein shoes.  Perfect styles, perfect fit. and an online outlet with shoes less than half the price in the store.  So, during the drab January, I have perked up my attitude with shoe boxes.  
Such a random list of things that have make me smile this month but all in line with my New Years be grateful....even if it means spending just a little money sometimes!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Move Over Julia Child!.....

To spice up a rather dull month the women were gifted with an outing to fine tune their culinary skills with a professional chef in the newly opened STIR CAFE.
Mistake number one on my part was mentioning that I was a Home Ec major and taught Food and Nutrition for ten years in high school.
That leads people to think I know something about cooking.
Nothing could be further from the truth.  Just about anyone can pick up a teacher guide and lead tenth graders through biscuit preparation!
I do not love being in the kitchen....and if tacos every night would work, I would be all for it.
I learned a few things however through those good old college days and my years in the classroom so when the chef threw out those magical words....
I was not fooled.
Yep, I know what that means...
everything in place, ready to go!
The thrill of watching my vegetarian type daughter in law handle a raw cornish hen was worth the price of admission!
Stir was a quite appropriate term for the twenty minutes it took to combine the ingredients for the chocolate mouse!  
Magnificent...and achievable!
I do believe I could actually "plate" this salad and serve it.
Presentation is half the battle.
There will come a day when I will actually put this on the table and stand back and take in the rave reviews.
For tonight I will just enjoy the fact that after two hours of preparation, I can sit down and enjoy in peace this perfectly prepared meal.  We did well...and most importantly ate well!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Is This January?.....

 It is January in Texas, which sometimes can be mistaken as April if you do not have a calendar on hand.  Sunshine, 72 degrees, and a school holiday! The girls and I spent the better part of the afternoon having a picnic at the park along with most of the other citizens of Sachse!
 It was a great day to make multiple trips across the grass to deposit trash in the big red can.

 A day like this is going to make it very hard to face the forecast of sleet and snow that our meteorologist is predicting for the next two days....yes, always in Texas.  We change from heat to air and back again several times in the course of the week.  
 I guess we should be grateful we do get these intermittent days of reprieve when we can soak up the sun and remember that spring is right around the corner.

Back indoors, we pulled out the play do.  Love the smell of the clay in a can.  It takes me back years to the days that I spent picking pink and blue specks out of the carpet.  It is hours of fun that entertains generation after generation.
How can that be bad??

Love having an 80 degree day and two girls to spend it with!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Coming Down........

It is a chore....and not a fun chore.  While putting up Christmas decorations is always done with the enthusiasm of the upcoming holiday, taking it down just is NOT fun at all.
 So, here we are past mid January and I still have a snow covered tree and strings of garland adorning my back yard.  
 I have to say, I enjoy it.  The colors of Christmas make me happy.  Bright red and green, and sparkling poinsettias cannot help but make you smile.  So much cheerier that the drab colors of fall.
In order to avoid feeling the wrath of our HOA, I am going out this afternoon and remove all of the remnants of the holiday and pack it up for next year.  It is not fun, but it is necessary.  What to replace it with?  I guess Valentines would work but that would require another plastic tub full of decor with a very short life on the mantle so I think I will pass and just wait for Memorial Day...that can stay up until Labor Day and that is my kind of decorating.

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Big Step.....

I was reluctant.  In all honesty I really thought the best answer to the question was no. 
I told Kathy I would pray about it and I did but I was pretty sure that God would know what was in my heart and He would agree with me that it was not something I was meant to do.
I love my church...really love it.  We were one of the founding families of our parish.  I went to church, had my children baptized, and sent them all through religious instruction.  Then I got a bit lost.  I think it was after Matt died.  I did not want to go back to church.  It was a reminder of the large crowd of people that came to mourn the loss of my son.  I kept coming back to that day and being in that building was just too hard for me.  I left the church except for an occasional visit and it wasn't until about three and a half years ago that my attendance became regular again.  I remember the Sunday I went back....distinctly.  I knew the minute I walked through the door that I was home.  I was where I was supposed to be.  
In the last three and a half years I have found God in the most amazing way, not just in the church but in the community of people that make up the body of our church.  I have found my place in Vacation Bible School, Faith Formation, and the other ministries that have become such a part of my life.  I am  more content and possibly more fulfilled than I ever thought possible....
but then came the question
.  Would I join the team of Eucharistic Ministers?  
Would I be one of the people I respect so much that are chosen to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during mass?  I really did not want to.  What would make me worthy of something like that?
First task besides praying for an answer...locate my Confirmation Certificate.  I was pretty sure I knew where I was confirmed but that was 55 years ago.  A call to the church seemed to lead to a dead end...they could not find it so I assumed that was my is not meant to be.  
Five days later my certificate was in my mailbox...still more prayer.  I was not convinced I had my answer yet.  They asked me again and I agreed to turn in the application which still had to be submitted for approval....maybe it would not pass the board...maybe I really was not meant for this.
Approved, and instruction and time for commissioning set up.  I guess I have an answer.  It came not like I thought, not in a direct feeling in my heart that it was right but it came when all of the pieces suddenly fell in place.  Sometimes something comes along that we do not expect and though reluctant we accept the invitation and hope that we are worthy of the assignment.  I am honored, I am nervous, I am apprehensive, and I hope that I am doing what pleases God.  It is a big step for me....I hope I am ready.
"Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.  then the peace of God that surpasses all understudying will guard hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4: 6-7

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Big Three Party!.....

 Today was Finley's big day...her baby birthday party!
Come on over and bring your favorite is time to celebrate a special real doll.

 Finley is totally her daddy's daughter...but totally has her Gramma's passion for sugar!
Only a real sugar addict eats only the icing.  I think she learned from the best!

 This little girl is all girl, wanting to be surrounded by nothing but baby dolls and bottles fort her special day with her friends.  Ahhhh...I could love another half dozen little girls just like her.  She makes everything perfect.

A big day for a big girl and all her little friends.
Life is good...these smiles prove it is so.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Three? Oh My!!!......

How can this be?  
This precious cuddly baby girl born what seems like yesterday is THREE years old!

I adore this baby...who is now a big girl (just mention baby and you are quickly corrected).
She is joy in a precious little package.
She LOVES babies or anything she can cuddle and I am happiest when she decides that her favorite thing to cuddle is me!
She is bright,  independent, curious, and funny.  In fact even big sis Brooklynn thinks she is very funny!  If you can entertain a five year old with your wit then you surely are a character!
Time passes much too quickly. I wish I could freeze frames those moments that are such treasures and go back and replay them often.  Such great memories.
I guess I will focus on grateful and be ever so glad I have been able to share so many special times with her for the past three years.
Happy birthday Finley James!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hello 2015!!.....

Perfect....just absolutely perfect!
I am not in the mood for resolutions because I never keep them so this year is about "do's".
Searching PINTREST for a 2015 picture I found spoke to me!
Every single thing on my list is on this list!
It is the perfect agenda for this next year since several of my goals are on here..
Cooking class
Buy less
Be kind
Embrace simplicity
I admit to the fact that I will have to make an attempt to eat more green because I have an aversion to anything that is not covered in sugar, but I can do it!
I can do a lot of things in 2015 because I am learning to let go.  I do not need so much.  Craigs List you will become my friend. Declutter and stay that way.  I am a victim of excess in everything and I do not like it.  Because I just now on January 6th finished putting up Christmas I know that I am a model of excess...decoration and gifts.  It simply must stop!
I am making an attempt to find simplicity my goal along with gratitude.  
How can that be bad?
If you are grateful for simple things then you won't want all of the time.  
It makes me smile to look at these goals.  It is attainable.  I am not reaching beyond what I am capable of.  What a great feeling!!!!
I am 6 days into this New Year and things look good.
I could add to this list maybe include a healthy dose of PATIENCE but maybe if I work on these things the patient part will follow.  
Happy 2015!
What a great way to start the year!