Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Is This January?.....

 It is January in Texas, which sometimes can be mistaken as April if you do not have a calendar on hand.  Sunshine, 72 degrees, and a school holiday! The girls and I spent the better part of the afternoon having a picnic at the park along with most of the other citizens of Sachse!
 It was a great day to make multiple trips across the grass to deposit trash in the big red can.

 A day like this is going to make it very hard to face the forecast of sleet and snow that our meteorologist is predicting for the next two days....yes, always in Texas.  We change from heat to air and back again several times in the course of the week.  
 I guess we should be grateful we do get these intermittent days of reprieve when we can soak up the sun and remember that spring is right around the corner.

Back indoors, we pulled out the play do.  Love the smell of the clay in a can.  It takes me back years to the days that I spent picking pink and blue specks out of the carpet.  It is hours of fun that entertains generation after generation.
How can that be bad??

Love having an 80 degree day and two girls to spend it with!

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