Unless you have been living under a rock ...... which probably floated away, you must know that what we experienced in the month of May in Dallas is record setting. Record setting rain that is.
It was the wettest May in history and the third wettest month in history. About 17" this month....
a bit more than we really needed.
We have had dried up lake front property for three years now.
Jimmy has actually mowed the lake for far longer than he wanted to...
first the yard and then the lake.....
not fun!!!
This month it was hard to even find a day dry enough to mow.
When the rain let up enough to actually venture out what did I do?
I did what more than just a few lifelong Garland residents did...I stopped the car in the parking lot of the golf course to take a picture of the fairways. Yes, these are the fairways which now compete with the local lakes for the wettest spots around.
I can honestly say (in all seriousness) that just moments before I snapped this picture two kayaks went flying by. All of this I find noteworthy of course, because someone in about 50 years will read through the printed copy of my blog and say "Oh yes, I remember my great grandmother telling us about the great rains of 2015".
When the rain let up enough to actually venture out what did I do?
I did what more than just a few lifelong Garland residents did...I stopped the car in the parking lot of the golf course to take a picture of the fairways. Yes, these are the fairways which now compete with the local lakes for the wettest spots around.
I can honestly say (in all seriousness) that just moments before I snapped this picture two kayaks went flying by. All of this I find noteworthy of course, because someone in about 50 years will read through the printed copy of my blog and say "Oh yes, I remember my great grandmother telling us about the great rains of 2015".
Just to clarify the above picture I want to note that the white and yellow specks you see in the photo are the flags that mark the greens on the golf course. Attached to the flag are 5' poles that are totally submersed under the water.
Also to note for the record book...today is June 1st and we have yet to reach 90 degrees this year.
I have actually enjoyed the fact that when it rains like it has here for a month you really cannot do much but stay inside. I have not had to water my plants, I have read about three books, sewed endlessly, and been a bit of a vegetable. I am ready to move on now so it is okay for the sun to shine and the rain to ease up a bit....but I am not looking forward to the heat of July and August.
We have spent far too many summers fried and suffering from a form of heat exaustion...rain is a good thing.
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