Oh my gosh...is there anything worse???
Yes, I am sure there is, but right now I am I absolutely over the rat that has taken up residence in our garage.
When did this tale of the rat start???
Last November.
While Jimmy and I were out celebrating our anniversary we go a phone call.
Sara called in a panic about a rat that crossed her path and I responded in a panic!
Let's calculate how long he has been renting space in some hidden corner of our garage...
10 months?????
He seems to be a fan of Nacho Cheese Doritos...and has eaten his share out of the box outside.
Bring them in?
Absolutly not!
Absolutly not!
I figured it was better that he had his snacks outside instead of him searching for another food source inside!
We have tried everything, every sort of trap,and every location he travels.
His feet stick to the glue traps and he drags them across the garage and gets loose.
He won't go near the electronic trap, a sure thing according the salesman at Home Depot.
I am beyond frustrated.
I do not know if he has brought in his family or if he works alone.
I am off...to Roach Feed and Seed....someone has to help me.
I am afraid to park my car.
I am a prisoner of my own house.
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