Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Now They Are Five...........

Ater what seemed like more than eternity our baby finally arrived.
Typically we do not worry about getting "the call" during the day.  It is when it is time for bed that I crawled in and wondered how much sleep I would get before the phone rang....and so it happened!
It was 3:15 a.m. on November 28th that my phone went off and it took about one second to answer it and greet Mandy with "Happy Anniversary to me!!!"  I knew immediately it was a boy on the way.  After months of really feeling like we would be welcoming another girl, the date confirmed boy in my mind!
I made it to Tim and Mandy's house in a matter of ten minutes and when I walked in the door they walked out!   The first text said she was at a 5 so I let the girls sleep and got dressed...and washed my hair of course!!!  The girls were up and we ate breakfast, dressed and headed out the door the another text...she is at a 9-10!  Pouring rain, slick streets, and two girls ready to get to the hospital...and we were truly afraid we would not make it.  Little did we know!
It would take another 4 hours for that baby to make an entrance.  
It was beautiful.  I never imagined that seeing the birth of a baby, other than my own, would be so amazing.
I am so grateful we did not know what we were expecting.  
The beauty of his birth and hearing Tim exclaim "Welcome Matthew Joseph" will be forever engrained in my memory.  
He is perfect.  What baby isn't?  
They miracle of being tucked away inside someones tummy one second and being a living, breathing creature the next is something that only confirms the majesty of God. 
The perfect hand of our Creator sends us these beautiful little humans.
How can you doubt His plan for us?
The girls are invited in and after a quick diaper check, it is confirmed they have a brother!

It was a terribly cold and miserable day but the perfect day for the arrival of our first grandson.  I think the impact has just begun to hit me.  I did know that it was a boy the minute the phone rang.  The baby had been trying to make his way into the world for over a week.  He passed over five family birthdays, Thanksgiving, and his due date to arrive on November 28th.  It was our 45th Anniversary and 28 is the number his Uncle Matt, his namesake, wore at the Naval Academy for four years on his football jersey.  Too many things lined up for this to be just a coincidence.  
Life does not always fall into place as we plan.  The picture that I had of our family is nothing like what the reality really is.  Our reality is as it was meant to be and we have found so much joy in the life we do have that we know that God is good.  Someday we will understand all of the "whys".  Until that time I will just continue to appreciate what I have because what I have is very, very good!
Matthew Joseph Shubzda
8 lbs. 12 oz.
November 28, 2015
12:37 p.m.

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