Sunday, February 28, 2010
What Happens at the Lake, Stays at the Lake.......
What an absolutely perfect weekend with friends! A group of us headed out to stay with a very dear friend in her new house on Richland Chambers Lake. It was a women's only weekend and I do not remember the last time I laughed as hard and as long as we did for an entire weekend. If laughter is good for the soul then my soul has been blessed!
Sharon's house is absolutely the PERFECT lake retreat. The views are beyond your wildest dreams and the house itself is warm and comfortable and inviting. But the best part of the whole thing was the time spent with wonderful friends.
The day could not have been more gorgeous and we talked about every imaginable subject and maybe some you do not want to imagine but the moments you have to share and laugh and reminisce are priceless.
What would we do without girlfriends? Family is wonderful but there is something about the women in your life that is not replaceable. The things you can share and talk about... they understand. It is exactly like the YaYa Sisterhood. It goes beyond conversation into a whole other area.
We walked and talked and stood in wonderment of our accommodations. How generous James and Sharon are to share their place with all of us so graciously.

When the day was almost done we headed in for a challenging game of Bejeweled Blitz (don't ask) and several rounds of Chicken Foot. Does not take much to entertain a bunch of old ladies!!!
Another wonderful meal and a sunset you would not believe was the perfect way to end the day. I probably don't need to mention that the "pajama party" lasted until well past well past midnight!!! Sleep? Who needs it. There is time for that another day. For this weekend it was all about the friendship!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Bye Daddy.....

On the positive side Tim is not going to be gone for 6 months. God bless those military wives who become single mothers of multiple kids for months on end while their husbands are deployed. They do it, they cope, they survive...but oh my goodness, I am so glad that it was not me. I think God has a special place for them in heaven. from the 4 1/2 months Brooklynn is 14.8 pounds and 25 1/2". Just the perfect size for a little lady. She is growing and changing as all babies do. I just wish her dad was there to see it on a daily basis...soon.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I Did It!......
Yes, 8 days Coke free!!! I cannot believe it. Yes, it was Diet Coke but it could not have been good for me or any part of my system. So that is it, only 32 more days to go! However, it has not been easy. It is only when you don't have it that you begin to notice that it is everywhere!
There is a coke machine next to my work station in the teacher lounge. I counted today....14 people bought cokes while I sat there. Surely a good use of my time! It is either that or answer the pertinent question that they always ask me...."Is there someone in the bathroom, or is the door just closed?" So here I am...the teacher bathroom monitor and the surveyor of the Coke machine!
And then there is Sara's just finished jigsaw puzzle. Yes, it really is a Coke puzzle. "Mom, I finished this puzzle". Well, great just throw another picture of Coke in my face!
Monday, February 22, 2010
2010 The Year of the Tiger....
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Project 365...and Coconut M&M's!

Here they are...the Coconut M&M's we have been searching for the last 8 months. Jimmy heard about them last year and we began our mission to find them. Sara located a bag yesterday at the local Tiger Mart! She was so excited she called me at work to tell me she had a HUGE surprise for me. Then I found her waiting on the front sidewalk when I picked her up at work so she could give them to me. I ate them. OK the only reason this is strange (because you know I can eat the $7.96 bag of M & M's each week) is because I am on a strict eating plan and have given up all sugar....high triglycerides you know!!! They were incredible. If you find some buy them and try them yourself. It was worth the wait....and worth breaking my diet for.
Now, Project 365. I have been reading online about people who have chosen to take a photograph each day for a year. Most of them to become more aware of the things around them that matter or might otherwise not have caught their attention. It fits in with my two passions....taking pictures and my online journal. No, I am not going to publish a picture a day but I am going to take one..or maybe two. I blog to remember and write about things I love and since my blog is not out there for the world to see I am going to take pictures and write about any random thing I find is about Coconut M&M"S!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Valentines Day.....Late.....
So much to write about lately. Many things going on so I have had to segment things and I am running late on Valentines day....but here it is!!!!
My hardworking husband spent Valentines morning with his head in a manual trying to figure out how to assemble a car seat....wanted to take his favorite women to breakfast. They are not like they used to be. In fact nothing in the baby's world today is like it used to be. I think we just threw our kids in the back of a station wagon with some toys, called it a play pen and off we went. Probably not too safe. Maybe a trip to court is order if we try that now!
We sent baby Brooklynn a Valentine message written in the snow. I know everyone likes to write their messages in the sand but we had the snow and so why not use much to do in the snow and we enjoyed it until there was not a bit left anywhere.
Balloons for our special little valentine. Oh goodness how we love her. She is just about as sweet as a little baby could possibly be.
Bubbles and toys while the rest of feasted on omlets and waffles. Life is grand when all it takes is a car seat and your fingers to make you happy!
After breakfast Gramps and Brooklynn had some serious one on one time. Have to get to know that face. ...every detail of it.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy Fat Tuesday....
Tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. Last year I decided to give up my favorite food...M&M's. I am addicted so that seemed reasonable. However, I merely replaced them with Reece's pieces and other not to much of a sacrifice. So what to do? Give up sugar totally? No, that won't work. So, this year I am going for no Diet Cokes. I won't replace it because I don't like anything else. Today I am on serious coke overload. Maybe if I make myself drink too many I won't like them anymore...just a thought. It won't be a caffeine withdrawl because I drink caffeine free. It won't be pretty the first week but I can do it, right??? Maybe check with my students in a week and see how nice I am!!! Oh my!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hanging With "Uncle Drew"......
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Snow Day II....Kids at Play....
It is another great day in the metroplex!! Last night each school district cancelled school for the day so we all went to bed knowing we could sleep in and enjoy the day...and we did.
Ozzie and I wanted to be the first ones out before the many neighborhood kids had breakfast and headed out covered in snow gear to enjoy a historic recorded setting snowfall...12 inches to be exact. 2010 will go down in the record books and we will all remember it as an incredible weekend.
This young man had beat me out and already had his snow man going. He had probably been up since 5 begging to go out! Who can resist???
I headed out in my pajamas to capture the beauty before there we hundreds of little footprints in the snow! It was beautiful...and I was not the only one out in my nightware. As I was clicking away, four other parents dressed in p.j.'s must have had the same idea. So there we all were...flip flops, pajamas, cameras and coffee cups having as much fun as kids in the early morning snow.

It was incredible, magazine perfect! Maybe we will all compare shots later. I am sure Steve will win because he was sporting a camera lense we would all die for!!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Nature's Finest....
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