Here they are...the Coconut M&M's we have been searching for the last 8 months. Jimmy heard about them last year and we began our mission to find them. Sara located a bag yesterday at the local Tiger Mart! She was so excited she called me at work to tell me she had a HUGE surprise for me. Then I found her waiting on the front sidewalk when I picked her up at work so she could give them to me. I ate them. OK the only reason this is strange (because you know I can eat the $7.96 bag of M & M's each week) is because I am on a strict eating plan and have given up all sugar....high triglycerides you know!!! They were incredible. If you find some buy them and try them yourself. It was worth the wait....and worth breaking my diet for.
Now, Project 365. I have been reading online about people who have chosen to take a photograph each day for a year. Most of them to become more aware of the things around them that matter or might otherwise not have caught their attention. It fits in with my two passions....taking pictures and my online journal. No, I am not going to publish a picture a day but I am going to take one..or maybe two. I blog to remember and write about things I love and since my blog is not out there for the world to see I am going to take pictures and write about any random thing I find interesting....today is about Coconut M&M"S!
I can't believe you finally found them...surely you expended the same amount of calories in your search for them over the past months as they contained. Can't wait to try them too!!